Maintain Healthy Gums With Nationalperiodontics

Nationalperiodontics is a private periodontal practice based in Australia and focuses on periodontal diseases and placement of dental implants.

Smiles have the unique power to brighten up days and most people strive to maintain healthy oral hygiene. Some do it for the aesthetic effect but in the process they end up improving their health as well as a strong correlation has been established between good dental hygiene and overall health. Some studies even suggest the association of poor dental hygiene and stroke and heart diseases. Thus, it becomes essential to maintain good oral hygiene and to help people to attain this goal a major role is played by dentists. In Australia, Nationalperiodontics is one of the premiering practices and has a great team of experienced dental specialists.

Different components of healthcare including oral hygiene should be dealt with care. There may be a number of periodontics but it is advisable to visit dental practices like Nationalperiodontics as the leaders in any field are more likely to be acquainted with the newer techniques and have experienced professional. The incorporation of newer technologies at Nationalperiodontics is evident simply because of the use of LANAP. It is a technique based on the use of laser which distinguishes infected and healthy gums providing the advantage that the incisions are so fine that it reduces the pain and recovery time for the patients.

Inflammation of the gum that affects the underlying support of the teeth is called as periodontitis. It is one of the focal points of service for doctors at Nationalperiodontics. They use a number of techniques including gum surgery to treat periodontitis and pride themselves in limiting invasive techniques like surgery to the minimum. Even in extreme cases non-surgical techniques are preferred to limit pain, complications and recovery period.

Many a time people loose teeth due to accidents or infections. The most common solutions are dentures and bridges for caps. If either of the technique seems inconvenient, a newer technique could be opted foe at Nationalperiodontics. This technique involves the use of dental implants which provide the look, feel and function of real teeth. These are screws made of titanium providing strength and longevity. The use of these implants is not limited to multiple teeth and could be used for replacement of one tooth as well. One of the highlights of the implants is the success rate of 96-98%.

One of the most basic procedures available at Nationalperiodontics is cleaning. Scaling and root planning is done for that effect. As the adage goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. These procedure aim at removing the deposited tartar and calculus thus prevent periodontitis. These procedures reduce the size of gum pockets available for food particles and thus indirectly reduce the place available for bacteria to thrive. This is very important as some of the detrimental effects of the bacteria are not limited to the teeth and gums and may exceed up to the heart by means of travel through the blood vessels. Thus these basic procedures could have a greater impact on the overall health as well.

The practitioners at Nationalperiodontics are dedicated to provide best possible service to the patients with the help of the knowledge gained by the experience of the long duration of their service.

About National Periodontics:

Nationalperiodontics is one of the leading practices in oral hygiene. Their main focus is on providing services regarding periodontics. To learn more about their services or to raise a query visit their website

Contact : Arthur Drouganis

Address : 80 North Terrace
Kent Town, South Australia
Australia - 5067
Phone Number : 08 8363 3700



Tags: dental implants, dental specialist, gum surgery, LANAP, Periodontist, Periodontitis

About National Periodontics

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National Periodontics, the Australia's premier private periodontal practice is committed to providing you with the best dental health care.

National Periodontics
80 North Terrace
Kent Town, South Australia 5067