Major U.S. Minnesota Court Implementing VeritaScience Technology to Provide A New Degree of Secure Access to Untapped Truth's From Individuals Under Oath.

The revolutionary product, The Vero, released by VeritaScience is a completely new approach to lie detection, analyzing "Junk DNA" chromosomes to determine the validity of a statement given.

A U.S. Minnesota court is now home to a dozen free standing Vero machines manufactured by VeritaScience. This is the first of its kind in a judicial system, using the latest technology to provide an accurate test for those innocent until proven guilty.

Dr. Stefan Dimitri Gurevich and his colleagues at VeritaScience have made this exciting new breakthrough while researching certain genes in what was known as "Junk DNA" chromosomes. Within these genes the scientists at VeritaScience were able to narrow down the link between stress levels and the act of lying, through what they are calling "Truth Genes". Their research and data has allowed the scientists to exclude all but 1,500 genes where this genetic code is encrypted. This allows the scientists to manually observe the physical changes when these indicator, or "switch genes" are activated. This is done with the help of VeritaScience's "Vero Machine".

Before Testifying in court, individuals place their right hand on the Vero machine to be sworn in before proceedings. Their hand will remain on the device while a series of basic questions are asked in order to calibrate and activate the methylation process in the individuals DNA. The discovery "is like a huge set of floodlights being switched on to illuminate the Darkest reaches of the genetic code for good use," said Dr. Stefan Dimitri Gurevich of VeritaScience. This new technology opens up numerous possibilities for the use of highly sensitive and accurate information, which can ultimately determine the guilt or innocence of an individual.

The accuracy of the Vero machine is currently at 96% and can help identify during the calibration period, questionable cases of the criminally insane, sociopathic, or even those lying in the name of ignorance. This will help prevent those who fall within the 4% of questionable cases, to be reevaluated in a medical hospital and not before the court.

"VeritaScience has provided a high quality tool, in our pursuit for justice," said Judge J.B. Adams of the Minnesota court. "We hope to continue the partnership as we go forward."

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At Veritas Science, we are dedicated to the advancement of truth through research and the development technologies that incorporate established methods of lie detection with new developments in genetic research. Dr. Stefan Dimitri Gurevich and his colleagues at VeritaScience have made this exciting new breakthrough while researching "Junk DNA" chromosomes. Within these genes the scientists at VeritaScience were able to narrow down the link between stress levels and the act of lying, by isolating what are now thought of as "Truth Genes". This is done with the help of VeritaScience's "Vero Machine". The direct implications of this research and subsequent new technologies, will allow governments, corporations, and individuals the ability to find truth in a professional and ethical manner.
For more information please email us at [email protected]


Tags: court, Junk DNA, Legal Advancement, lie, Lie Detector, truth

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