Majority of Mobile Developers Using Online Payment Solutions in a Fragmented Market

New Evans Data Survey Shows 52% Develop Apps that Use Online Payments in a market with no Clear Leader

Fifty-two percent of mobile software developers say they develop apps that include online payment solutions according to a new survey of over 500 software developers actively developing apps for mobile devices. The new Evans Data Mobile Development Survey, Vol 2, 2012, conducted last month and just released to subscribers, also shows a fragmented market for solutions with developers typically adopting multiple solutions with market share closely divided among several vendors. On average each developer supports 3.5 solutions from a field of offerings that has become more crowded and with leaders less well defined in the last few years.

"Online payments and payment solutions certainly aren't new. Some are almost 20 years old." said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data Corp. "What's new is the dynamic that mobile development brings to the equation, opening up exciting new opportunities with the possibility of changing how we pay for just about everything, and that has produced a lot of newcomers in the market intent on shaking things up."

In addition, the survey found that considerations about payment solutions occur throughout the development lifecycle. The largest plurality, 35%, make their considerations of online payment solutions during the development phase, while others do this later in the build (18%) or acceptance phases (18%), and the rest at some other phase.

The Mobile Development Survey is conducted twice a year in the Spring and Fall. It covers a wide range of topics related to development for mobile devices, including: Host and Target Platforms, Targeted Device Types and Targeted Device Features, Monetization, Gaming, Mobility in the Large Enterprise, Carriers, HTML5 Development, and more.

Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.

Copyright 2012 Evans Data Corporation. All other company names, products and services mentioned in this document are the trademarks and property of their respective owners.


Tags: mobile apps, mobile software development, online payments, paypal

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