Make 2011 The Year Your Dreams Come True

"Break Through To Your Dreams" with this one-hour free teleclass on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 5:30pm PST (that's 6:30pm MST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST).

It's the New Year, time for change and resolutions. The slate is clean and new intentions are ready to be written to improve your life.

* Have you had problems moving forward?
* When you try to make a change, do you hit a brick wall?
* Do you know why you can't make the changes you want?

Linda-Ann Stewart, hypnotherapist, life coach and speaker is presenting a free teleclass to get you back on track to your goals. The teleclass will address reasons why you may have trouble breaking through and achieving your dreams. Drawing on her decades of experience, Ms. Stewart will cover some of those self-sabotaging beliefs that are holding you back and strategies to overcome them.

You'll learn techniques to help you overcome your internal obstacles and achieve your goals. In this teleclass, you'll discover how to use affirmations to make positive changes in your life.

"I appreciate the power of affirmations," Ms. Stewart says. "They've been instrumental in allowing me to accomplish goals I would never have achieved otherwise." You'll also discover a secret and tools to successfully empower the Law of Attraction for you.

Join Ms. Stewart for the one-hour teleclass, "Break Through To Your Dreams." Space is limited. To learn more and to register, visit


Tags: affirmation, blocks, Goals, law of attraction, prosperity, self-sabotage, visualization

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Linda-Ann Stewart
Press Contact, Heartvision Consulting