Making A Case For Secondary Double Glazing!

With fuel bills continuing to rise and the drive to make our homes more energy efficient one of the simplest and most cost effective ways of saving money is by installing secondary double glazing panels to the inside of existing windows.


With fuel bills continuing to rise and the drive to make our homes more energy efficient one of the simplest and most cost effective ways of saving money is by installing secondary double glazing panels to the inside of existing windows.

Glass clear plastic glazing panels made from PET are supplied by Ecoease ( These are easily fitted to the window frame by means of a magnetic edging strip and are as efficient as most double glazing systems at a fraction of the price as well as being class 1 fire rated, lightweight and extremely tough. This material is completely recyclable and is a vast improvement over other older type secondary glazing systems using acrylic (class 4 fire rating-!) at no extra cost.

The advantages of using PET as a secondary, or third, glazing insulation are numerous over existing solutions and cost around 8% of traditional double, or triple, glazing installations.

In addition a total of 50 Ecoease customers were recently asked about their energy bills and the results were impressive with an average fuel bill (gas or electric based on a year on year, like for like comparison) saving of 19.2%. Indeed one customer even recorded a 50% reduction in his gas bill!

Richard Cook of Kent commented: "I had my last quarterly gas bill through recently
and was pleasantly surprised. It was half what it was for the same quarter last year. I think quite a lot must be down to secondary glazing - a good result for quite a small outlay!"

Glazing over the facts...
1) Windows are the weakest point in a building for noise pollution.
2) Windows account for the highest amount of heat loss in a single glazed, fully insulated dwelling with up to 50% of all escaping heat passing through them. Within an un-insulated house it is around 25% with only the roof area accounting for more.
3) Secondary PET glazing panels can reduce noise pollution by around 50% and are 10% more effective than a typical double glazing installation.
4) For maximum noise and heat loss reduction a gap of 3 to 4 cm is required between existing single glazing and a new secondary glazing panel. The best acoustic insulation occurs with a gap of 5 to 10cm whilst the most effective reduction in heat loss occurs with a gap of 1cm to 2.5cm.
5) Magnetically attached secondary glazing reduces the amount of condensation by an estimated 95%.
6) The thermal conductivity (K value) of PET secondary glazing is more than five times better than glass. The K value of PET is 0.2 whilst the same thickness of standard window glass is, on average, around 1.
7) The U value (the amount of heat conducted by a material) of PET when added to single glazing is 2.7 - equivalent to the best of modern standard air filled double glazing; whilst old style double glazing is 3.14. and single glazing is 5.8.
8) PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate also known as polyester) is used predominantly for soft drinks bottles (30%) and synthetic fibres (60%). Other applications include aircraft windows. It is the most recyclable plastic on the planet with the likes of acrylic and polycarbonate (also used for secondary glazing) a long way behind.
9) PET is by far the most fire retardant (class 1 according to BS5476 part 6) of all plastic secondary and third glazing options with other solutions such as acrylic (class 4) almost acting like firelighters!
10) PET secondary glazing, when installed on up to 20 square metres of windows, can generate annual fuel bill savings of up to £250 on a like for like basis but, with recent price hikes by the big six UK energy suppliers, this figure will only increase.

For more details visit or call 0845 519 3230. Enquiries from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland should visit


Tags: DIY glazing, replacement windows, secondary double glazing


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