"Making It Out Alive" Conscious New Thinking Rocks The Airwaves

For those who do not connect with the 12 step model, for those who are finished with the 12 step model or for those who are looking to enhance their experience of the 12 steps; for anyone who seeks to enjoy a life of being recovered, "Making It Out A

"Making It Out Alive" launches July 1, 2010 on Spirit Media Network.

Ken Ludwig is certain that we have no need to attend meetings for the rest of our lives; that no positive purpose is served by declaring that "I am" anything that denigrates or diminishes us. To say that "I am" an alcoholic, drug addict, food addict, sex addict or ANYTHING other than what I truly am is, in and of itself, destructive and self-defeating.

From a purely Spiritual point of view, each of us is an individuation of the one over-arching Creative Intelligence. That Intelligence is known as God or the Higher Power and is also called Spirit, Buddha, Yahweh - or call it Fred or Charlie - it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that we each recognize the self -destructive habit we are identifying ourselves with is really just a behavior we have been expressing - it is not, and it will never be, who we truly are.

Ludwig's approach is holistic, through the study of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects we empower ourselves. He supplies tools and techniques for the listeners, through his teaching and by bringing in guests that excel in all of these fields. Guests such as the QVC Network Wellness Specialist, Dr. James Rouse, Rev. Soni Cantrell-Smith a New Thought minister and author of "The Enlightenment - A Musical in 12 Steps", former Mr. America and author, Tom Terwilliger and Chief Passioneer® and success coach, Sue Oliver - they are all currently queued up for July.

Ken Ludwig is a speaker, coach and radio talk show host. He has been sharing his inspirational story of living a more conscious and spiritual life to national audiences for many years through diverse mediums. Like many children of the 60's, Ludwig thoroughly enjoyed the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle that gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel. Today, Ludwig still rocks, but now he does it with a passion for a spiritual practice that saved his life, many times over. Ludwig is a coaching licensee with Business Growth Solutions and a Licensed Practitioner for the United Centers for Spiritual Living, serving for Mile Hi Church in Denver. He has been hosting "What We're Thinking About" on Co-CreatorNetwork.com for the last three years and is thrilled to begin spreading his recovered living message on his new show "Making It Alive" with Spirit Media Network.

"Making It Out Alive - Conscious New Thinking That Rocks - Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life" www.SpiritMediaNetwork.com, www.MakingItOutAlive.com

Show Sponsor : Spirit Media Network, www.SpiritMediaNetwork.com

Media Contact: Lisa Livingstone, 303-271-0860, [email protected], www.MakingItOutAlive.com


Tags: 12steps, Ken Ludwig, radio

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Lisa Livingstone
Press Contact, Making It Out Alive