Mammoth Marketing Team Members Enjoy Travel With Coworkers

Top Mammoth Marketing performers have recently returned from two trips. The firm's Director discussed details of both events and shared some of the travel tips she offers her brand ambassadors.

“I’m really proud of the amount and variety of travel we’re able to offer our promotional specialists,” declared Meghan, Director of Operations for Mammoth Marketing. “One month we might visit a high-performing office for cross-training, and then the next we’re flying to a tropical resort for a weekend conference with industry leaders from across the globe. Of course, it’s not the destination that matters as much as the group I’m traveling with and the people we meet along the way.”

Recently, team members had the chance to qualify for two exclusive events: a leadership weekend in Newport Beach, California, and an Eric Thomas seminar in Salt Lake City, Utah. The trips were within weeks of each other, so brand ambassadors who wanted to attend both functions really hustled to earn their way. 

I'm really proud of the amount and variety of travel we're able to offer our promotional specialists.

Meghan, Director of Operations

“The main purpose of sending our people on these trips – or on any trip, really – is to help them maintain an open mind while also learning how to think like business owners,” stated Meghan. “By getting around those who have established themselves in our industry, we learn more about the expectations and responsibilities of successful people. We always strive to expose our team to multiple types of outlets where they will gain perspective on work and rewards. The mantra for both these events was ‘Big Input = Big Output,’ and I like to think that this is the message we send by investing in travel and networking opportunities for our team as well.”

Mammoth Marketing’s Director Shares Tips for Business Travel

To ensure that her fellow Mammoth Marketing travelers enjoy their outings to the fullest, Meghan discusses tips before each trip. For example, one of the most important suggestions she shares is to expect the unexpected.

“Half the fun of traveling is doing things differently than we do them at home, and that’s an easy thing to remember as long as everything goes according to plan,” Meghan pointed out. “It’s when an unplanned delay occurs, or when our GPS develops a mind of its own, that we need to stay focused and positive. Deep breaths and smiling can work like magic.”

Another simple but important strategy is to pack snacks. Having healthier snacks than one might usually find in a terminal provides travelers with the energy needed to focus in unfamiliar environments. Food bars are easy to transport and last for weeks, Meghan pointed out, but she recommends going for the softer types. “Kind and Clif bars can take a real beating and still taste great.”

About Mammoth Marketing Inc.

Mammoth Marketing is known for unforgettable event-based sales initiatives. The firm’s branding specialists design and launch these campaigns, which never fail to drive big business growth in new markets. Their success results from extensive research and unique messages that engage targeted buyers for the long term. The company’s shining reputation has led to rapid expansion while guaranteeing bright futures for all involved. To learn more, please visit

Source: Mammoth Marketing


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