Manage the Imaging Environment With Print Tracker
Boise, ID, November 10, 2015 ( - Print Tracker works well in any organizational environment and can be easily deployed to monitor any business’ imaging fleet. Print Tracker is proxy-compatible and does not create security vulnerabilities. The software is used around the world in banks, hospitals, schools – any place with high security needs.
Print Tracker print management software is compliant in many vertical markets including:
Government – local, county, state and federal
Healthcare – clinics and hospitals
Automotive resellers
Education – primary, secondary and university
Banking – financial, insurance and investments
Real estate, title and escrow companies
Large and small business – anywhere printed output is required
Print Tracker software helps administrators achieve fleet and supply management using on board tools. Imaging equipment volumes can be monitored to determine proper device placement. Knowing volumes reduces unnecessary prints, ensures the right equipment is in use and assists administrators with:
Supply management – Reduces need for large supply inventories
Service management – IT staff can be alerted when device service is required
Fleet management – Knowing device usage helps administrators create efficient print centers
Total Cost of Ownership Analysis – Device volumes, consumable data and service information can be used to control imaging costs
Print Tracker offers it all in one simple package. A typical engagement will include:
Print Tracker Pro is installed at a site to gather device information.
Print Tracker Admin us used by an office administrator to manage incoming information.
Low toner alerts can be enabled to notify the supply fulfillment staff. Service alerts can be configured to inform the IT and/or service team.
The management team uses Print Tracker Admin, Service Info and Meter Viewers to monitor alert activity, generate consumable reports, and view and manage meter volumes.
An administrator applies Print Tracker gathered volume and supply detail to calculate the Total Cost of Ownership of the fleet to make efficient equipment recommendations and placement.
To learn how Print Tracker can be used to manage imaging equipment, please contact:
Print Tracker
Brian Dawson, Sales and Marketing Director
(866) 629-3342 x7
bdawson (at)
About Print Tracker
PrintTracker™ is an MPS software solutions company. Print Tracker provides simple-to-install, intuitive-to-use MPS software solutions for the imaging device industry. Tools include meter gathering software, advanced deployment options, fast meter capture, alert generation, service and meter viewers, customized reporting, an adaptable TCO Estimator, integration of meters and alert information into a wide variety of ERP systems, and automated supply fulfillment.
Tags: business machine management, managed print services, mps