Managing Risk In Sftware Development Projects

Many software projects fail due to misguided project management. A new report from ATA Research examines how to successfully minimize the risks.

[b]Software development is an industry which faces unique problems. Cost and time over-runs are common yet no unified approach to managing projects exists. A new report from ATA Research examines this topic and how project management can best be employed to make software projects a success. Through an in depth analysis of previous software failures key themes are examined to give an outline of best practices.

With any software project - from a small scale development to multi million pound integrations - there are certain elements of risk. Project management aims to reduce these risks by providing a framework for development However, in many cases this vey framework can amplify the risks associated with the project.

In order to avoid commercial failure firms need to take on board the lessons learnt by previous software failures. The report from ATA Research gives a detailed case study and numerous examples of cost and time over-runs that could have been avoided through better project management. These are used to develop actionable recommendations for any business involved in software development.[/b]

"Software development faces unique problems not present in other sectors. As a relatively new industry it often relies on existing project management techniques that are unsuited to the characteristics of software development. For anyone managing a software project it s vital to understand the unique risks involved and act accordingly"
Malcolm Ramsay - Research Director, ATA Research


Tags: Development, Project Management, research, risk, risk management, Software

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