Mansa Systems Partners With Notifo To Launch Cloudify App- Mobile Notifications For Salesforce

Cloudify- Cloudify, an AppExchange application leveraging Notifo API. Cloudify delivers notifications to mobile phones whenever new lead or case gets created in Salesforce.

Mansa systems today announces its partnership with Notifo, a leading Notifications service, born out of a desire to see the real-time, event-based web spring to life. Mansa Systems developed Cloudify, an AppExchange application leveraging Notifo API. Cloudify delivers notifications to mobile phones whenever new lead or case gets created in Salesforce.

You might ask a question, what is the need to have mobile notifications when Salesforce can deliver alerts through emails? Siva Devaki, CEO and founder of Mansa Systems answers by saying that emails are more like pull notifications where as Cloudify can send push notifications. Now Salesforce customers can get alerts right onto their mobile phone on the go.
Notifo is both a mobile application (iOS only at the moment, with Android and BlackBerry on the way), and a desktop program (OS X now, Linux on the way), meaning that Salesforce users can use it on the go or on desk, the product is an industrial strength platform for real-time push notifications currently for Salesforce leads and cases extended for other fields too as per requirement. Most importantly it is cheaper than sending SMS notifications. It is not limited only to text alerts; soon you can attach an image or even a video to the notification.
Cloudify is offered for FREE for the initial set of customers. All you need to have is a Free Notifo account prior to setting up Cloudify account in Salesforce and a smart phone to install Notifo mobile app.

You can learn more about Cloudify at
You can contact Mansa Systems team at [email protected]

About Mansa Systems
Mansa Systems is a global enterprise application services provider with core competencies in cloud applications implementation, cloud application development, data management, business intelligence and mobile application development. Mansa Systems is headquartered in San Francisco, California with global offices in India, China and Costa Rica. To learn more about Mansa Systems, go to or e-mail [email protected]

About Notifo
Notifo was conceived, developed, and launched during the Winter 2010 funding cycle of Y Combinator. It was born out of a desire to see the real-time, event-based web spring to life. With the emergence of several new smart-phone platforms embracing the notion of real-time data delivery, the founders believe the time is right to create a more real-time network of information to spread among users everywhere. Notifo is based in both Menlo Park and San Francisco.


Tags: Appexchange, Cloud based CRM, CRM, Mobile notifications, SaaS, salesforce

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Bhawna Mehan
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