Marco, a Universal Protocol Layer for Travel Industry

Marco will provide a smart-contract based protocol that connects all consumers and businesses in the travel industry on a decentralized travel ecosystem

​​​​The Marco Solution

Our goal is to create the Marco Protocol, a universal protocol layer for the travel industry. Marco will provide a smart-contract based protocol that connects all consumers and businesses in the travel industry on a decentralized travel ecosystem that incentivizes content creation, transactions and consent-based sharing of user data. It gives control back to the user over his/her identity, data and content IP, provides businesses with a direct and transparent channel to conduct transactions and collaborations, and empowers all third party travel companies to create their own application logic and token-economics.

Marco Protocol

Key Features of Marco Network Decentralized Database: Each entity can access records on the entire database via our external API, but no single entity controls the data or the information. Marco will capture all user data and relevant information about a venue into the blockchain, including its reviews/ratings and transactions.

Publicly Accessible Blockchain: Marco enables the creation of verifiable data, files and processes on the blockchain, which are shared to allow anyone to view the contents stored inside. Marco will make all blockchain infrastructure publicly accessible through our API, inherently rendering the system to be transparent and trustworthy.

Authorship and Ownership Protection: Users and suppliers are empowered because they have control over their information and transactions. Additionally, blockchain enables the attribution of digital content with unique IDs and certificates of authenticity to protect the authors.

For the content producers and viewers on the protocol, creating a blockchain-enabled social media system will facilitate tracking of the content, author, timestamp, viewership, comments, as well as votes/likes in a public record.

Smart-Contract Based Governance: Allows the automatic enforcement of rules

and conditions for a transaction to occur. This, in turn, enables the creation of a decentralized travel ecosystem that is self-regulating and transparent. With Smart Contracts, content creators will be automatically rewarded when posting content and when users vote for their content. Business venues can also set up automatic predetermined rewards for users when they post content about their venue.

·       Custom Contract API: Marco enables developers to create and customize Smart Contracts from a list of templates on the Marco platform without requiring extensive experience in Smart Contract development.

·       Channel Management API: Marco enables developers to connect to various global channel management systems to obtain availability and pricing data for venues on the platform, as well as supporting instant confirmations for bookings.



Tags: blockchain, DApp, smart contract

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