Margin Films' 'Brash Girls Club' World Premieres on Tubi Today

The First All-Female Stand-Up Comedy Limited Series From the Creators of Hulu's Comedy InvAsian
Brash Girls Club

​​Tubi has just released Margin Films' Brash Girls Club, an all-female comedy special limited series from Quentin Lee and Koji Steven Sakai, the creators of Comedy InvAsian, the first Asian American stand-up television series currently streaming on Hulu.

Bash Girls Club is 100 percent no-holds-barred female comedy with three diverse female comedians — Kimberly McVicar, Melanie Maras and Leah Mansfield — each performing in a 30-minute episode. Viva Pictures’ CEO Victor Elizalde negotiated the deal with BGC producer Quentin Lee.

Brash Girls Club was directed by Quentin Lee and produced by Koji Sakai (Dwayne Perkins’ Take Note and Comedy InvAsian) and Quentin Lee (Comedy InvAsian).

KIMBERLY McVICAR accidentally became a comedian at the age of 5 by blurting out "Don't worry Mom, I know to lie!" when asked about her family during the Canadian version of Star Search (Tiny Talent Time). Kimberly has performed stand-up from LA to New York to Dublin to Australia. Kimberly was the most popular online stand-up in the USA for Laugh Factory in 2016 and won funniest comic at The Battle of the Axe in Dublin Ireland 2017. Kimberly also has over a million views on Funny or Die.

Multi-ethnic and bi-cultural, MELANIE MARAS is originally from Jakarta, Indonesia. Melanie is an award-winning writer, comic and storyteller who performs all over the world. She represented Indonesia in the semifinals of the Laugh Factory's Funniest Person in the World Competition 2016 in Helsinki, Finland. The judges awarded her one of the highest scores for her performance. Melanie is the subject of a new documentary by Abe Forman-Greenwald that follows her stand-up journey as an Indonesian-American comic. Her digital series, INTERNATIONAL MUTT, is currently being developed by WBs Stage 13 and director Anna Mastro.

From the moment pint-sized comedian LEAH MANSFIELD takes the stage, audiences are as interested as they are impressed. Being the daughter of Native American hippie scientists and the second of seven siblings provides Leah with an endless well of anecdotal family stories. After years of diligently not doing much of anything, Leah began her adventure into stand-up comedy. Her unique ability to couple a whirlwind of comedic energy with her original outlook on life has allowed Leah to travel across the country as a festival favorite and feature for national headliners such as Tom Green, Jimmy Dore and Eddie Ifft. Hear her on XM/Sirius Satellite Radio.

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Source: Margin Films


Tags: All Female, Comedy, Female Comedy, Kimberly McVcar, Leah Mansfiled, Limited TV Series, Melanie Maras, Stand Up Comedy, Television Series

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