Mariner Oil Rig Explodes; Oil Spill Unconfirmed

An explosion on Vermilion Oil Rig 360 in the Gulf of Mexico was reported morning of September 2, 2010, causing an oil leak alarm.

Fire was seen on the Vermilion Oil Rig 360 platform located on shallow water some 100 miles south of Vermillion Bay, Louisiana. The blast took place around 9:30 a.m. on Thursday.

All 13 Vermilion crew members were prompted to evacuate the rig and jump into water in their immersion suits. The company confirmed no injuries.

The incident occurred west of the site of the similar disaster that happened with Deepwater Horizon on April 20, 2010.

The Vermilion facility is owned by Houston, Texas-based Mariner Energy Inc., a company engaged in the development and production of gas and oil.

The US Coast Guard Cutter Decisive responded and sent helicopters to the scene. Reports note Coast Guard Petty Officer Matthew Masachi confirming a 100 foot-wide, one nautical mile-long oil sheen near the platform.

Mariner officials, however, did not confirm the oil spill in a statement. "The fire occurred away from the well. It wasn't involved in the area where they had oil producing wells," said Mariner spokesperson Patrick Cassidy.

Government spokesman Robert Gibbs said the White House is continuously talking with the Coast Guard and some federal agencies regarding the incident.

The Mariner explosion reopened the issue regarding the extension and expansion of a six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling. President Obama signaled that his administration may lift the ban earlier than the November 30 expiration date. The incident also prompted concerned groups to strengthen their advocacy regarding deepwater drilling ban.


Tags: mariner oil rig explosion, mariner oil spill, oil rig explosion

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