Mark Baird, CFP® Releases Rules to Riches, a Surprising Take on Building Wealth.

KOKOMO, Indiana, August 16, 2017 ( - Real estate agents and car dealers may not be pleased with this book. Purchasing a large home and a shiny new car may be part of the American dream but it is a dream that many of us put in front of other critical priorities. In fact, the purchase of a house and car can be the largest roadblock to building financial security.
Mark Baird's newly released book, Rules to Riches, Eight Simple Strategies That Will Catapult You to Financial Security, reveals what the banks and car dealers don't want you to know. His tips on homes and cars, along with his other rules for money management, can help cut through the confusing, often daunting path for many Americans who face an overwhelming marketing blitz thrown at them every day.
Reading Mark's take on financial planning will serve you well. I would chalk that up to not only his training and experience but to his heart and spirit. His passion for helping people secure their financial future will be evident to you as you read his insightful thoughts on a subject that can be quite complex.
C. Dean Woods, Sr. VP (retired) CenterPoint Energy
A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Baird helps take the confusion out of personal finance with a straightforward, easy-to-understand, eight-part plan for wealth acquisition. Incorporating plain talk and a step-by-step approach, Baird covers a wide range of money matters, from budgeting to investing, providing a roadmap to a secure financial future for individuals and families as well.'s Make It recently featured an article explaining Baird's view on budgets and daily spending.
Whether you are just starting out or approaching retirement age--a "do-it-yourselfer" going it alone or a time-strapped "workaholic" looking for the right financial planning partner to help smooth the way--Rules to Riches is a great resource to put you on your way to lasting financial peace of mind.
Media Contact:
Chennel Lindsay
Phone: 765-553-3003
email: [email protected]
Source: Mark Baird, CFP®
Tags: budgets, financial independence, investments, retirement