Mark Gerardot, Author of Irreparable, a True Crime Drama, is Scheduled to Discuss New Book on ABC's 20/20
PHILADELPHIA, September 6, 2019 ( - On April 23, 2018, Mark Gerardot’s wife of 24 years shot and killed his girlfriend, then took her own life, leaving him to find their bodies. In the months that followed, Gerardot found himself vilified and shunned for his marital indiscretion. Shattered and alone, he began to piece together the final weeks of his wife’s life, discovering a trail of madness and rage he never had imagined.
More than a true crime drama, Irreparable is poignantly tragic and filled with raw honesty. Gerardot reveals the lessons he learned not only about his wife’s mental illness, but also about himself, his marriage, and what he believes we can all learn about the fragility of the heart. In his quest for the knowledge, Gerardot uncovered his wife’s complex scheme of electronic surveillance and stalking and shares the dangers this technology can have in the hands of someone desperate to know what sometimes is best not known. This extraordinary story happened to an otherwise ordinary couple; readers will see much of their own lives in this real-life drama: young love, jealousy, forgiveness, control, infidelity, hope, and broken hearts. While written as a suspenseful page-turner revealing the obsessions of both Jennair Gerardot and Mark himself as he transforms his grief into a quest for answers, ultimately, Irreparable sheds much-needed light on mental illness and the breaking point we are all subject to.
“My hope is that Irreparable humanizes, not demonizes, everyone involved,” Gerardot writes, in pointing to the inaccurate and misleading reports that came of Jennair’s final act of revenge. “This tragedy is something that could happen to almost anyone, and we all need to be more informed and aware of the dangers of depression, mental illness, and suicide.”
Mark Gerardot is a creative director and marketing executive with more than 25 years of expertise in branding and marketing for tourism, hospitality, higher education, and consumer products. His hands-on creative leadership and writing have garnered attention from clients throughout the U.S., the Caribbean, and Europe. Gerardot’s first interview about the tragedy that changed his life will be featured in the season premiere of ABC’s 20/20, airing Friday, Sept. 6. ABC News and 20/20 have a strict policy against paying for interviews. Royalties from sales of the published book will be donated to the American Foundation for Prevention of Suicide.
Recently completed, the manuscript remains unpublished at this date. The first chapter is available for download at
Source: Mark Gerardot
Tags: book, crime, drama, mental health, mental illness, non-fiction, tragedy, true crime