Mark Hammad Announces His Candidacy for Mayor of Atlanta

Mark Hammad joins the race for Mayor of Atlanta, giving Atlanta voters a choice for a candidate with real policy solutions and proven leadership. With crime at historically record levels, Mr. Hammad is the only candidate with a proven plan to lower crime in the city. An Atlanta native, Mr. Hammad brings years of leadership experience and accountability to the Mayor's office.
Mark Hammad

Mark Hammad has recently completed the paperwork to run for Mayor of Atlanta and will join the existing candidates in the campaign. Mr. Hammad joins the race, bringing a strong platform to address crime, homelessness, basic city services, and accountability at city hall. Outlining his detailed policy on his website - - he brings his enthusiasm and energy to the race: "I am super excited to start campaigning, and I am looking forward to connecting and engaging with voters on the campaign trail."

Of the top issue on voters' minds, Mr. Hammad states: "There is no doubt that crime is the #1 issue on the ballot this year, and none of the other candidates have any plans to address the root cause. The sad fact is that Atlanta doesn't need to suffer, the majority of the crime is preventable. I have very effective and easy to implement policy solutions to get the crime under control and get it under control fast."

Mr. Hammad is a strong supporter of the Atlanta Police Department and their efforts over the past year a half, acknowledging the difficult environment that they have had to operate in. He believes that more police, while needed, will not be sufficient in lowering crime, stating: "The APD has been doing their job.  When you look at all the recent headline-grabbing crimes in the city, there is a mugshot attached because the APD did their job and apprehended the suspects."

Mr. Hammad believes that the solutions to lower crime involve more scrutiny and focus on judicial outcomes. Data-driven studies by third-party organizations and investigative journalists in recent years have highlighted the lack of judicial accountability with violent and repeat offenders in the City of Atlanta - many of whom serve no jail time for their offenses. 

Mr. Hammad also has detailed policy solutions to address other hot-button issues, such as homelessness and basic city services. He brings a new perspective and fresh ideas to the table to help proactively address these issues.

Mr. Hammad has not run for political office before and has not served in any political office before.  He is running as a non-partisan candidate. The election for the city of Atlanta Mayor this year will take place on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

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Tags: 2021 Elections, Atlanta, Atlanta Mayor, Crime, Elections, Felicia Moore, Kasim Reed, Mayor, Police, Politics, Sharon Gay