Mark McClure' New Sports Comedy Signs Branding Deal With Fantourage

Mark McClure, creator of the new sports comedy talk show, Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust, signed a multi-show branding deal today with upstart, the hot new social networking site geared towards the celebrity culture.

Mark McClure, Creator and Co-Producer of the hot new sports comedy talk show, Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust (ESPN meets The Daily Show), hosted by Joumana Kidd, signed a multi-show branding partnership today with Fantourage (

"We are thrilled to be a part of the launch of Fantourage's site and more importantly a strategic partner moving forward. If you thought Facebook was huge, Fantourage is going to head to that level and then some. Unlike most, if not all other social networking sites, Fantourage has figured out a way to monetize the site for itself and members, and reward frequent visits through points that can be used towards gift cards and other prizes. Fantourage is without question the perfect vehicle for Inside Sports to promote the show to the masses cost effectively and expeditiously", Co-Producer Mark McClure stated.

The deal will offer the opportunity for Fantourage to showcase their brand during episodes of Inside Spports as well as
co-promote events and contests in the coming months. Neither McClure or Fantourage would disclose the cash value of the contract.


Tags: fantourage, inside sports, mark mcclure

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Dallas, TX 75206