Mark McClure Unveils His "6 In 6 Insane Marketing Challenge" With Unique Care

Mark McClure, author of Insane Marketing Strategies, has issued a challenge to himself that he can earn $100,000+ in six months with any company, using his Insane Marketing techniques. He has signed on with Dallas based Unique Care for his first cha

Putting his "money where his mouth is", sales and marketing expert Mark McClure has launched his "6 in 6 Insane Marketing Challenge" whereby he will go into a company, join their sales force and in six months or less, earn himself at LEAST $100,000 in commissions using the sales and marketing techniques he teaches in his book, Insane Marketing Strategies. His first challenge will be with Dallas based Unique Care, part of the publicly traded Unique Underwriters. Unique Care markets and sells a discount health care card that allows users to get substantial discounts with pharmacies, doctor visits, dental care, vision products, long term care, etc., nationally for only $39.95 per month and can be used at thousands of locations and offices nationwide.

"With the launch of my new book, Insane Marketing Strategies, and the airing of my weekly infomercial/show on Fox Business beginning Monday June 16th, I wanted to put my money where my substantial mouth was and show people first hand that by using my sales and marketing techniques, they can easily generate in excess of six figures in income in their sales and entrepreneurial endeavors. As my dad always said, action speaks louder than words and what better way to show people how powerful the information in my book is, than by putting them into action and generating at least $100,000 in the next 6 months." McClure stated.

When asked how he chose Unique Care as his first challenge, he had this to say.

"Unique Care offers a product everyone in America needs, regardless if they have health insurance. Their card covers an entire family and gives you huge discounts on prescriptions, doctor visits, dental visits and procedures, eye care, long term care, chiropractor visits, you name it and at $39.95 a month this is going to be an easy sell for me. Furthermore, I am going to build a team and choose 20 people to assist me, and then I will work with each of them to assure that by the end of the first month they are on their way to six figures also. This is going to be the easiest product in the world to sell, and those 20 people that I choose to join me, will be making at least $5,000 a month by the end of their first month using my Insane Marketing Strategies techniques. I will make sure of it," McClure added.

McClure also told us that he is confident that he can meet his six figure challenge in well under his six month bench mark.

"There is no doubt whatsoever that I will crush this challenge. I plan on meeting that objective within 4 months and then showing the results to viewers of my show when it occurs. In addition, at that point the 20 people that I have chosen will be making at least $5,000 a month and what better way to promote my book then to have at least 20 people all making good money, working less then they use to with a steady income stream that will continue to grow. Like I said, this is going to be the easiest product in the world to sell. Plus it's a $100 million publicly traded company, run by my good friend Ralph Simpson, who is a self made millionaire and what better guy to partner with on this then him," McClure ended.

McClure starts his "6 In 6 Insane Marketing Challenge" June 1st, and will document and record it as part of his book publicity tour and then air the results on national TV when he meets his goal. He expects that sooner rather than later. Stay tuned.


Tags: insane marketing, mark mcclure, unique care

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