Market-Driven Business Launches With First Research-Based Training Offering for Technology Organizations

Market-Driven Business

Market-Driven Business is announcing its launch as a provider of research-focused, outcome-based workshops for business.

Says Principal Facilitator Erik Wolf, “Market-Driven Business workshops are designed to help teams realize their market-driven goals while individuals improve their performance. Instead of simply teaching market-driven concepts, Market-Driven Business aims to actually get you across the finish line with our outcome-based workshops.”

Founded to fill a gap in traditional basic concept training, the Market-Driven Business portfolio starts the implementation where you are today. Instead of simply learning concepts, your team practices throughout the workshop. When we’re done, you have the outcome you want and a newly up-skilled team armed with our proven methodology to do it for you again next time. That’s followed up with coaching support to ensure success and to help affect long-term change in the corporate culture.

Says Principal Facilitator Stacey Weber, “As a global trainer for Product Management and Marketing teams, many of my students have faced challenges with aligning the concepts they learned to improve their team’s market knowledge and processes. This is usually due to time constraints and/or limited experience with applying new learnings in their business. Market-Driven Business is designed to tackle those issues.”

A unique feature of Market-Driven Business workshops is that most are anchored in fresh market research performed by our team of practiced interviewers. We’ll speak with you, your team, and your market before the engagement, ensuring that the most is made of our workshopping time together. That, coupled with our proven methodologies, make the Market-Driven Business experience unlike any other.

Market-Driven workshops available at launch include:

  • Market-Driven Analytics
  • Market-Driven Communications
  • Market-Driven Research
  • Market-Driven Sales
  • Market-Driven Strategy

Market-Driven Business workshops are available in both online and in-person delivery options.

Media Contact:
Greg Bond, Principal Facilitator
[email protected]


Source: Market-Driven Business


Tags: product management, product marketing, training, workshops