Marketecture's Online-Marketing Revenue Jumps 300% in 2009, Despite Downturn

While the recession is forcing most companies to cut back, Marketecture - a multimillion-dollar Internet-marketing company - doubled its workforce and tripled its revenue for the 2009 fiscal year.

Bucking the economic downturn, Marketecture, Inc. - a multimillion-dollar online-marketing company - is on track to post a 300-percent jump in revenue for its fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 2009. Even as the recession hurt sales for other industries, Marketecture is continuing to post strong growth in 2009.

"The reason behind our success is the entire executive team is focused on business-development opportunities," said Todd Soelberg, Marketecture's new chief financial officer. "Plus, all employees at all levels are just as committed to what we are building."

To keep up with its rapid growth, Marketecture has more than doubled its workforce from 36 employees at the end of 2008 to 74 at the start of December 2009. This is at a time when many companies are cutting back on spending and the U.S. unemployment rate is hovering above 10 percent.

A big factor in Marketecture's growth is its new customer enrollments. Each month, it receives more than 20,000 enrollments for its e-commerce and Internet-marketing services. The increased enrollments are the result of Marketecture's new strategic partnerships as well as the economic downturn.

"Many customers are coming to us as a way to supplement their income and gain control of their financial situation," Soelberg said.

Earlier this year, eMarketer predicted the total amount of money spent on search-engine marketing to reach $14.1 billion, up 16 percent from 2008's $12.2 billion. Search-engine marketing, also known as Internet marketing, includes search engine optimization, paid-search advertising, contextual advertising and paid inclusion. Both SEO and paid search are enjoying the highest amount of growth.

"The true potential of e-commerce and the Internet has still yet to be seen," Soelberg said. "As more people feel comfortable making purchases online and the Internet is seen as more of a commerce engine, we will continue to see new opportunities develop in the coming years."

Marketecture is poised for significant growth in 2010 and beyond as it continues to make strategic investments in technology and customer acquisition, as well as delivering strong customer support.


Tags: eCommerce, internet marketing, recession

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Britnee Nguyen
Press Contact, Marketecture, Inc.
Marketecture, Inc.
510 East Timpanogos Parkway Bldg S
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