Marketing Xocolate International Corporation Adds A Delicious Dark Chocolate Healthy Snack Cookie to Xoçai™ Line | Xocai Hawaii | Xocai Idaho | Xocai Illinois

Marketing Xocolate International Corporation Adds Healthy Snack Cookie to Xoçai™ Line

With an onslaught of unhealthy snacks available for consumers, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp), the maker of Xoçai™, has launched a new healthy snack choice, the X Powerhouse Cookie. The X Powerhouse Cookie contains Xoçai's™ premier-grade chocolate and is a rich source of daily fiber.

"Americans eat 50 ponds of unhealthy cookies and 12 pounds of unhealthy chocolate each year," said Andrew Brooks, MXI-Corp founder and executive vice president. "One Powerhouse Cookie each day provides consumers with a healthy alternative to unhealthy snacks. The Powerhouse Cookie is rich in antioxidants and fiber, providing consumers with a healthy option with a great taste."

Compared with standard snack cookies, the X Powerhouse Cookie is made of whole-wheat flour, brown rice syrup, healthy sunflower oil and cold-pressed chocolate. The X Powerhouse Cookie contains no trans-fatty acids, shortening or butter. It is a high source of dietary fiber, antioxidants and flavonoids.

Key ingredients include cacao, açai and blueberry. MXI-Corp classifies this product as a "clean" product because it uses no trans-fats, artificial colors, ingredients, sweeteners, chemicals or preservatives.

"This product uses premium-grade chocolate and is high in fiber-these are only some of the many benefits of the new X Powerhouse Cookie," said MXI Ambassador and Winner's Circle International President, Adam Green. "You will find that you will reap many of these benefits when you trade out the standard, unhealthy, sugar-filled cookie for this healthy snack."

Additionally, this product is perfect for those who are counting points through the Weight Watchers® program. It counts as four points.

About Marketing Xocolate International Corporation
Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in healthy, dark chocolate products. All MXI products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao. MXI-Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs. The Xoçai™ (sho-sigh) line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals. Nevada-based MXI-Corp is a privately held company. The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI-Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion.
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Tags: "dark chocolate, adam paul green, MLM, mxi corp, xocai healthy chocolate

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