Markup Coding Shifts to HTML5/CSS3 and RWD, HTMLcut Reports
Online, April 16, 2013 ( - Although XHTML still has a decent market share, new markup standards HTML5 and CSS3, as well as RWD (responsive web design) are becoming more and more in demand in the PSD to HTML conversion market in 2013. This is the summary of sales statistics analysis carried out by HTMLcut's managers. is a professional HTML/CSS coding company that converts website designs which are uploaded by web designers or site owners into HTML/CSS/JavaScript code or WordPress/CMS themes. Founded in 2008, now HTMLcut is one of the reputed providers of HTML slicing.
HTMLcut's managers constantly monitor market trends and company's sales statistics to offer the most demanded services. Although such a type of analysis is not statistically comprehensive and absolutely exact, due to a continuous order flow it is quite representative and significant.
Recent results revealed by HTMLcut have indicated that HTML5 and CSS3 are being ordered in about 2.2 times more often in 2013 than a year ago. The increase in orders on responsive web design is smaller but the interest in it is steady and growing.
To some extent, the above-mentioned difference between numbers for HTML5/CSS3 and RWD may be related to the fact that quite a few clients perceive HTML5/CSS3 as just a more feature-rich and mobile-oriented version of XHTML. In other words, there is no perceived barrier between them. However, increasingly more clients are consciously interested in such specific HTML5 and CSS3 features as extended drawing capabilities, local storage or geolocation.
On the other hand, in case of responsive web design it is a little more difficult to explain to a client why the price is higher in comparison with development of a non-responsive website. Some clients are not sure that RWD is so necessary for their website because of "no one uses responsive websites in our business" and other similar arguments. Probably, this technology requires more time to become usual and generally accepted. Nevertheless, the growth of smartphone and tablet popularity steadily leads to recognition that, at least for some industries, there is no alternative but responsive web design if businesses want to reach their clients and improve ROI of their websites. However, a considerable number of clients still prefer to have separate websites for desktop and mobile users.
Given these trends, HTMLcut puts more focus on HTML5/CSS3 coding and responsive web design services to offer clients the most efficient ways to develop their websites. At the same time, HTMLcut sticks to the principle of the reasonable and balanced approach to any technical solution. Technologies should not be used just for the sake of technologies. And when planning a website development, the main criterion should be advantages for the client's business and needs of the website visitors.