Marriage problems and solutions, making relationships work

Every married couple at some stage in their relationship will come across a time when they have to work to keep their marriage harmonious

Every married couple at some stage in their relationship will come across a time when they have to work to keep their marriage harmonious. Many people encounter marriage problems and solutions to these are often quite hard to come by. This is often due to the fact that one partner will always blame the other one when that person has actually done nothing wrong.

People change and this is one of the biggest factors when it comes to problems within a marriage. The husband or wife cannot accept that the person they married has changed as they want them to still be that same person as on the wedding day.

Enclosed herewith is a quote from a book by Rachel Rider who is a best selling author when it comes to advice on relationships. This sums up beautifully the fact that people have trouble adapting to change and that a major part of failing relationships and marriages is due to this.

"There are many reasons why relationships go into crisis mode. One is that people change. You and your partner expected that you will always feel a certain way or behave in a certain manner. Whatever it is, you trusted that your relationship would last forever.
Nevertheless, change is one of the constants in life. Unfortunately, many people find it jarring and difficult to manage. I have seen relationships fail because one or both partners were unable to handle change.
Change brings with it various consequences. Often, because of change, each partner's needs are no longer being met in the way that will strengthen and nourish the relationship. Routine may have set in or one partner may have started to look for comfort outside the relationship"

When a relationship has got to this stage then there really is a problem that needs addressing immediately. A counsellor who gives advice on relationships could help these people but normally it can be sorted before it gets this far as there is often a fee for this service.

Making relationships work can be easy, but only if both parties agree to work out why things are not as good as when they first got together. If people can learn how to adapt to change there will probably be a lot less work for the divorce courts and more children with two loving parents.


Tags: advice on relationships, making relationships work, marriage problems and solutions, relationship, relationships

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