Marylin Diamond Presents Are Whole Grains Truly Wholesome?
Online, January 3, 2011 (
Everywhere you look it's the gospel. How to eat healthy: have lean proteins, low fat dairy, whole grains, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It's the medical and fitness mantra about nutrition, touted by every so-called expert. You could call it a "diet dictum" and you'd be correct. What species is designed to eat grain? Birds! They are the only ones who thrive on these "seeds" of wild weeds we stepped over for millennia until the agrarian age, which are now practically worshipped as healthy. But not even baby birds eat grain. Because they have problems digesting whole grain, they are mostly fed on high protein and fat insects.
Grain is a nutrient-deficient food molecule. It's lacking in sufficient quantities of minerals and vitamins to sustain life as your only food. It's poor in protein, particularly valine, leucine, and isoleucine-the muscle building amino acids-and lysine and cysteine. It's totally upside down in the essential fatty acids. A healthy ratio in the human body is one to one Omega 3 and Omega 6. Most grains are exceedingly high in Omega 6, throwing the balance so far off your guzzling fish oils, trying to correct it.
Our experts know nothing about the importance of the full range of amino acids in the diet for the repair and tone of the body, and they know nothing about subclinical malnutrition when they keep forcing the grain molecule down your throat. Our dieticians know even less than nothing, when they keep assuring diabetics that they can still have their dessert! And you, the consumer, know so little about the vital requirements for the indicator of youth called "muscle tone" you can't make the right choices for yourself. This grain component of the so-called "healthy" diet formula is just trotted out as an eternal truth, and sadly, you swallow it.
The emphasis on grains instead of proteins is creating two silent causes of disease: muscle-wasting and nutrient-deficiency. You're in line for so many diseases the list would make your head spin. The only people who are benefitting from all this grain are the people who grow and sell it. And, especially the pharmaceutical companies who are happy to "treat" all these diseases for you.
You are still thinking right now that when you eat whole grains you are eating "healthy", right? The brainwashing is that deep! We don't blame you. The fact is you are not eating healthy. You are misinformed that grains are a food for human consumption, and this is not your fault. Ask yourself this: why are people getting fatter and sicker, even though they're sure they're eating "healthy" by keeping their grain intake high?
What to do? Eat more vegetables and eat fruit. If you eat grain, make sure it's not processed, if possible, and eat it no more than once a day, and regularly give yourself grain-days, substituting plenty of protein and vegetables. And if it's fiber you're seeking, legumes are a far healthier choice. Start with this grain-free meal: eggs and bacon with some black beans or steamed spinach. There, no toast! And you'll feel lighter and more satisfied. Have a steak or shoulder lamb chops with lima beans or green beans tossed in butter and some shaved Parmesan. You won't miss the grain, and you will lose the fat and have way more energy.
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Tags: anti-aging, fit for life, fitness, Health, health and fitness, life fitness, Marilyn Diamond, wellness