Matt Cutts: Over Time Backlinks Will Lose Importance

Matt Cutts conveyed use of backlinks over time will reduce their importance and the quality of the content as backlinks determine the reputation of the site.

Naples, Florida: Additional backlinks will drop its importance, in response to the question, "Will backlinks lose their importance?" answered Matt Cutts, the head of Google's search engine spam. Backlinks in Google ranking algorithm still now have many years left in them.

Google is trying to comprehend and focusing on ways to determine the usefulness of web page to meets the expectation of the user. The search engine is doing this by observing and examining the links to the pages and the quality of content on that particular page. Oftentimes backlinks matters a lot as they provide help when it is required to access the reputation of the site and page.

Matt Cutts opines that when people search they become forgetful about the image and reputation of the site and the content quality which they are going to visit on that particular webpage. With this the backlinks become less important.

In case Google examines the author of the webpage and finds the author is not an expert writer on the particular topic they are writing, that will also make backlinks less important in ranking content. Lately, Google is trying to interpret the natural language or the actual language and this is evident with the controversial search effort. With this controversial search Google will search better relevant answer to the users query.

Google is currently working on expert author for the ranking and using natural language which helps to determine whether the author is an expert on the subject of the webpage or not. Moreover, for the next few years, Google will still continue using backlinks in order to access the reputation of the sites.


Tags: PPC campaign, SEO, smo

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