MAUSER Acquires Greif Brazil Plastic Drum and IBC Business

MAUSER Group, acquired the plastic drum and IBC business of Greif in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The acquisition was effective May 1, 2015 with the newly added business providing MAUSER a broader customer base to supply its industry leading line of plastic packaging as well as its line of IBCs.

The investment made by MAUSER to acquire Greif's business not only reaffirms MAUSER's commitment to the Brazilian marketplace but also to growing its operations globally. Greif's decision to exit the plastic drum and IBC business in Brazil will further MAUSER's goal to accomplish this.

"We are very pleased with the addition of these plastic drum and IBC customers," remarked Ricardo Goldenberg, President and CEO of MAUSER Brazil. "We see tremendous opportunity here in Brazil and plan to continue our strategy of growing across all our market segments."  

MAUSER Group is a worldwide leading producer of industrial packaging with approximately 4,400 employees and consolidated revenue of over $1.3 billion. Founded in 1896 and headquartered in Bruehl near Cologne (Germany), the company has influenced the international market through innovative packaging technologies. The portfolio for customers in the chemical, agrochemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical sectors as well as in the food and beverage industries includes plastic packaging, fiber drums, steel drums, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC), and reconditioning services through the National Container Group (NCG), a MAUSER subsidiary. MAUSER provides sustainability-oriented full cycle services - from production to recycling ("ECO-CYCLE®"). With more than 90 MAUSER/NCG sites and multiple joint ventures in Europe, the Americas and Asia plus two licensee networks for plastic and steel packaging, the company is a presence around the globe.

Currently, MAUSER is working with customers to ensure an easy transition to "MAUSER-produced" products. This transition will involve identifying what specifications customers are currently using today and providing them with a MAUSER product that will achieve the same if not better performance than they received before. This transition to "MAUSER-produced" solutions will be completed by early June 2015.

"The MAUSER sales team will reach out to all the customers affected by this transition in order to achieve a smooth integration," said Edson Rossi, Vice-President Sales and Marketing of MAUSER Brazil. "Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction, so during this period we will work with all the customers to ensure we provide them with the best solutions and value the market has to offer."


Tags: Greif Brazil, IBC Business, MAUSER

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Annette Spiegel
Press Contact, MAUSER Group
Leipziger Straße
Bruehl, Germany