Media Invitation to the American Advertising Federation, District Two's Legacy of a Lifetime Advertising Awards
New York, New York, September 23, 2016 ( - M E D I A I N V I T A T I O N
What: Legacy of a Lifetime Celebration and Awards
When: Monday, September 26, 2016
5:30 p.m. Reception
6:30 to 10:00 p.m. Presentation, Dinner and Dancing
Where: The Pierre 2 East 61st Street New York, New York
Who: Celebrating the Legacy of Advertising Pioneer Patricia Martin
John Osborn, BBDO, Creativity Award
Louis Carr, BET Networks, Diversity Award
Leslie Winthrop, AAR Partners, Education Award
David Bell, Creative Realities, Gyro, AOL, Leadership Award
You are invited to attend and cover The American Advertising Federation, District Two’s Legacy of a Lifetime Celebration, commemorating the career and accomplishments of advertising legend Patricia Martin.
The first annual Legacy of a Lifetime Awards will be presented to four industry greats. Awards recognize Creativity, Diversity, Education and Leadership. Hundreds of advertising leaders and executives, along with District Two AAF member chapters and student chapters will be in attendance. District Two encompasses New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Washington, DC.
For more information, visit, or to arrange an interview, or make arrangements to attend, please call or text Helen Lavelle, Event Chair, at 570-840-1098 [email protected].
Please note: your name must be on attendance list to access the event. Be sure to call or text to say you will be coming.
Source: American Advertising Federation, District Two
Tags: AAF, advertising awards, BBDO, BET, David Bell, John Osborn, Leslie Winthrop, Louis Carr