Medical Database, Inc. Integrates Its Laboratory Decision System, LDS®, With Epic

Medical Database, Inc., an innovative provider of clinical laboratory and medical content, today announced the successful integration of its cutting-edge laboratory decision system, LDS®, with Epic. LDS® is an interactive platform that assists providers in selecting and ordering the most appropriate test(s) for any given disease based on clinical relevancy and medical necessity. 

Every order submitted using the LDS® app automatically includes the ICD-10 and CPT codes associated with the test and is checked for Medicare LCDs and NCDs to improve the likelihood medical necessity is met for insurance reimbursement. 

"Through integration with Epic, Medical Database is able to offer our LDS® platform to a broad range of providers as an invaluable resource tool for aiding in compliance with meeting medical necessity and improving laboratory payment rates for ordered tests," said Dr. Sajo Beqaj, CEO of Medical Database, Inc.    

The LDS® app is now available in the Epic App Orchard, and more information can be found by going to:

Epic and App Orchard are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Systems Corporation.

About Medical Database, Inc

Irvine, CA-based Medical Database provides reliable and up-to-date medical information to healthcare providers, insurance companies, and educational institutions. Our content, written and curated by medical professionals, comprises a range of medical databases to assist healthcare providers in making appropriate clinical decisions, meeting medical necessity, and maintaining compliance.

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Press Inquiries

Safedin Sajo Beqaj, Ph.D., HCLD, CC (ABB)
President and CEO
Medical Database, Inc.
email: [email protected]
mobile: 847.769.3701

Source: Medical Database, Inc.


Tags: clin path, clinical, clinical lab testing, clinical laboratory, clinical laboratory testing, clinical pathology, diagnostic, diagnostics, EHR, EMR, lab information system, lab test, laboratory testing, LIS

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Medical Database provides reliable and updated medical information to healthcare providers, insurance companies, and educational institutions.

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