Medical Packaging Company Integrates Operating Room Know-How With Fabrication Expertise to make Total Knee and Hip Replacement Procedures More Simple, Efficient, and Streamlined.
Online, February 25, 2010 ( - Every day advances are made in the many fast paced and rapidly changing fields of medicine. Total Hip and knee replacements are one such area. The development and implementation of total hip and total knee replacements continues to see rapid innovation, and while the companies developing total hip and knee replacements continue to introduce new capabilities, one factor many fail to consider is how the medical packaging industry must keep up.
In Dover NH, Janco-Inc ( has spent years perfecting their ability to produce the most reliable medical kitting and packaging concepts for medical instruments that require the highest level of protection, support, and sterilization. According to Phil Killer of Janco-Inc, "Total knee and total hip replacements are made up of very specific components which are, in most cases, unique to each patient."
Given the needs for total knee and total hip replacement packaging, Killer explains, "our packaging concepts offered to each particular client are designed specifically for the devices being packaged, while also taking into consideration the sterilization cycle and how the orthopedic device will be presented in the operating room from the circulating nurse.
Killer maintains that, with the constant need for precision and perfection in the medical field, Janco-Inc has developed the highly specialized medical packaging needed to ensure operating room procedures move forward seamlessly. For example, a key innovation Janco-Inc has implemented is specially engineered geometry in medical device packaging, enabling doctors and nurses to handle and support hip and knee replacement devices without compromising sterility.
Most importantly, the innovations put forward by Janco-Inc take into consideration the delicate environment doctors and nurses work in so they can make use of their skills and expertise with the patient rather than, as Killer explains, "figure out how to open a package."
Located in Dover New Hampshire, Janco Incorporated is a contract supplier of custom medical packaging and plastic fabrication. For more information visit
Tags: hip replacement, medical device packaging, medical packaging, packaging, prosthetic packaging, prosthetics, thermoformed plastic packaging, thermoforming