Medicare Article Written By Rita Meier, A Public Affairs Specialist For Social Security, Is Top Read Article On

Eldercare information website proudly announces the article written by Rita Meier, 'Family Gatherings, Holiday Shopping, and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans' was the third most read article in November.

" is thrilled to announce the third most viewed article on our website in the month of November was 'Family Gatherings, Holiday Shopping, and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans'. This article was written by our guest writer Rita Meier, a Public Affairs Specialist for Social Security." said Amber Sandhoff, CEO and Co-Founder of

"We are privileged to have a Social Security expert writing articles and posting blogs on Rita provides a wealth of insight and valuable information to seniors and caregivers through her contributions. It is exciting to see our visitors are seeking out her articles and blogs, and finding them interesting and helpful." continued Sandhoff.

Meier's most recent article addresses the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program Open Season that runs from November 15 to December 31. Additionally, Meier explains the Extra Help program and eligibility requirements available to those with limited resources.

As a Public Affairs Specialist for Social Security, Meier's responsibilities include educating the public about Social Security programs and benefits. is a vehicle that allows her to disseminate important information to a larger audience.

Meier's blog posts and articles have been published on for the past year. Meier focuses on providing valuable tips and information about social security benefits and programs effecting the growing senior population across the country.

"As we look forward to 2011, the economy continues to be unstable. Seniors and their families depend now more than ever on their Social Security and Medicare benefits. It is a top priority for to continue to provide seniors with updates and information about their Social Security benefits from a knowledgeable source at Social Security," concludes Sandhoff.

Visit to read Meier's full article 'Family Gatherings, Holiday Shopping, and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans", including a link to the Extra Help program application and additional contact information at Social Security.


Tags: eldercare information, Medicare Prescription Drugs, social security

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