Medicare Is Failing A Disabled 8-Year Old Little Girl In Montana.

What does a family do when there are no doctors in their state to treat their daughter, and Medicare won't pay for care out of state? Medicaid doesn't cover children, Medicare doesn't cross state lines.

Missoula, Montana - The Larsen family of Missoula need to raise awareness for donations to pay for a life-altering surgery for their 8-year old daughter, MJ. Time is running out, and they are trying to gain support and funds by Friday, November 12th. Without the funds, their daughter will never walk again. They will miss the one opportunity - which is time-sensitive - to give MJ the medical care every child in America deserves.

MJ's story - Mikaslyn (MJ) Larson was born with a neurological/ neuromuscular disorder of unknown origin, which has caused low muscle tone and, as a result, her left femur bone has dislocated out of the hip socket. She used to be able to get around using her special walker, but now because of the dislocation, is bound to a wheelchair, potentially for the rest of her life.

There is a surgical procedure that can fix the dislocation, but on a child so small and young, the Larsons have searched the U.S. to find a surgeon who is experienced and willing to operate immediately. They finally found the Dr. David Yngve, but he is located about as far away as possible, while still be in the country - at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX.

Everyone the Larsons have spoken with at the hospital in Texas, Medicare, even Montana Senator Baucus have all tried to help, but the 'system' is not designed to work for children needing care 'out of state'. The basics:
• Medicaid is a federal program that does pay for services across the country, across state lines, but Medicaid does not cover children.
• State run Medicare covers children, if they and their families qualify under rigorous guidelines, but they cannot make payments to any medical facility/provider out of state.

After more than a year, the family has found a qualified, willing surgeon. The bad news is that the Texas hospital will not accept their Montana Medicare insurance. Timing is critical - the surgery must be performed before her 9th birthday. A surgery date of November 16th is available, but the hospital must be paid in full by November 12th. The Larsons have been left to come up with $35,000 immediately in order to cover surgical and hospital expenses, as well as their travel to/from Galveston.

Donations can be made by check, payable to: MJ Benefit Fund, mail to Missoula Federal Credit Union, 3600 Brooks Street, Missoula, MT 59803. Through PayPal at!/MJFund


Stacy Hollingsworth Rick Larson
[email protected] [email protected]
phone: 650-353-3238 406-550-7240



Tags: medicaid, Medicare, MJ Larson

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