Medicare Releases 2017 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule

Multiple significant changes to U.S. chronic care management program are expected to positively impact patients and practices.

Chronic Care Management, LLC announced that The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rule for its 2017 physician fee schedule payment policies yesterday.  This major final rule contains multiple changes to Medicare Part B payment policies, which illustrate that CMS increasingly recognizes the critically important role that “in-between visit” chronic care management (CCM) services play in the care of people with multiple chronic conditions. 

A significant portion of the 2017 final rule discusses how Medicare is effectively “doubling down” on its investment in care management services, which can keep people healthier and out of hospitals and emergency rooms - while rewarding medical providers who perform this valuable work with new revenue.  As CMS works under mandate by MACRA to increase beneficiary access to CCM services, it announced payment for new CCM codes that are expected to better support complex patients and the providers who care for them, as well as new payment mechanisms for providers who discuss CCM services with eligible patients during regular visits.

In its 2017 final rule, CMS commented that to date, only 513,000 Medicare beneficiaries have had a CCM claim since the program started in January of 2015.  With tens of millions of Medicare beneficiaries expected to be eligible for CCM services, CMS acknowledged that the uptake of the program by practices has likely been slowed by the significant administrative burden practices face under current CCM service elements and billing requirements.  As such, in 2017, Medicare has made several changes expected to reduce the administrative burden of CCM, most notably removing the requirement for a written consent for patient enrollment, and removing the initiating visit requirement for patients who have been seen within the past year by the CCM practice.

Dr. William Mills, Founder and President of Chronic Care Management, LLC, said, “CMS has made important changes to the fabric of its policy concerning how chronic care management programs can engage patients and practices.  Over the past nearly two years, the positive intent of CMS and value of CCM programs has been largely overshadowed by the arduous service and billing requirements and misinformation that has surrounded the field.  I believe that CMS is on the right track and in 2017, CCM programs should become significantly more accessible to patients in need in light of the final rule released this week.”  Dr. Mills continued, “We look forward to working with practices and organizations of all sizes to help them understand and succeed within the 2017 policy changes, while empowering patients and practices with the tools necessary to deliver quality and compliant care management.”

Chronic Care Management’s cloud-based platform places each patient at the center of an interdisciplinary, connected care network called My Care Connector™ that synchronizes patients and their health care providers around a comprehensive, portable care plan. Built to enable value-based care transformation, risk stratification and a patient-centered care management model, Chronic Care Management provides practices and organizations of all types the “right fit” CCM solution.

Chronic Care Management, LLC provides:

·  Cloud-based, portable person-centered care plans for Medicare, Medicaid and Commercial beneficiaries

·  Capture of non-visit revenue via chronic care management codes (CPT 99490, CPT 99487 and CPT 99489) in addition to care plan oversight support (CPT G0181/82) with 3rd-party tested, robust audit trail and time tracking features

·  Support of the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) program and its risk stratification and quality measures

·  Care management support for multiple Quality Measures including MIPS, ACO/MSSP, Bundled Payments for Quality Improvement (BPCI), and Independence at Home

·  Robust Risk Stratification capability, enabling care management workflow from high to low risk

·  Full service care management clinical staff solutions that provide supervised, quality care management staff services to patients in collaboration with the patient’s practitioner(s)

·  Single Sign On technology enabling efficient technology usage

·  Advanced scheduling / Call Center support technology to address the continuity of care and community outreach to the patients in-between physician visits

·  Comprehensive medication management including home delivery and adherence tools via partner pharmacy

·  Remote Patient Monitoring platforms and devices with full integration into CCM and EMRs

About Chronic Care Management, LLC

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Chronic Care Management, LLC, is a solution-oriented technology and services care management provider. The company’s primary focus is “in-between visit” care for people with multiple chronic conditions.  Founded by a physician with first hand care management and primary care / geriatrics practice and national leadership experience, the company develops and deploys software and care management programs that promote cloud-based, goal-directed, collaborative care planning. The solutions bring together healthcare providers, systems and stakeholders around a central, person-centered care plan that drive positive clinical outcomes for patients and positive financial outcomes for practices.

Providing practices a concrete path from volume to value, Chronic Care Management, LLC also empowers organizations who are participating in alternate payment models with a formal platform to foster care coordination, quality measure success attainment, a focus on advanced care planning, care transitions, medication reconciliation and a number of other success-driving areas.

For more information, or to schedule a product demonstration, please visit or call toll free: 844-CCM-6500 (844-226-6500).

© 2016 Chronic Care Management, LLC. My Care Connector™ is a trademark of Chronic Care Management, LLC. All rights reserved.

Press Contact

Cara Kirtley
Chronic Care Management, LLC
(844) 226-6500​

Source: Chronic Care Management, LLC


Tags: 2017 CCM, 2017 chronic care management, 2017 final rule, ccm, chronic care management

About Chronic Care Management, Inc.

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Chronic Care Management, Inc. is a solution-oriented technology and services care management provider of care management platform systems. Our primary focus is "in-between visit" care for people with multiple chronic conditions.

Cara Kirtley
Administrator, Chronic Care Management, Inc.
Chronic Care Management, Inc.
30575 Bainbridge Road (Suite 300)
Solon, OH 44139
United States