Meditation Village mobilizes meditation for busy modern practitioners
Online, November 13, 2009 ( - Before launching Meditation Village, Riml and Palmo put their heads together to remove the two key obstacles to a successful meditation practice: lack of time and knowledge. Perhaps now more than ever people need to access and create some inner peace for themselves and the statistics seem to indicate a healthy trend toward moving inward to find it. In 2007, roughly 20 million Americans practiced meditation in the last 12 months, up from 15 million Americans in 2002 . "It isn't about selling meditation anymore - we get it, we need to meditate - its about having a meditation program that teaches the right thing at the right time, that is a daily practice and offers enough support to ensure success - all without having to visit a meditation centre everyday or more realistically leave our homes, offices or iphones at all." Says co-founder Simone Riml
"It was weird, one day I'm saying I don't know how to meditate. I don't have the time... And 3 weeks later I'm telling all my friends to sign-up because I'm feeling happier and more relaxed from meditating!" says newbie meditator, and now Villager, Michele.
Michele, like many who want to meditate, would never have signed up if it weren't for the program's accessibility and community - not a community for the sake of another social networking site but rather one built upon the one simple objective: to learn and integrate a real meditation practice into everyday life - one that can be accessed by the click of a mouse.
Meditation Village makes meditation accessible, ironically enough, by making use of the very technology and platforms we need a little escape from. The 21-week mindfulness meditation program is for download to your laptop, mp3 players or iphone to use everyday. So in between texting and checking emails you can actually connect with the most important person in your life - YOU. Slowing down, learning to be fully present along with the calm, focused awareness long lauded as benefits of lengthy classes and retreats is available to the people who really need it, the people to busy to take time off to meditate!
What makes this different from the 20-minute meditation apps for your iphone? Well to start Meditation Village offers an integrated meditation program not 20-minutes of the same audio to play over and over again. This is a 3-Step program that is delivered in mp3 format in days and weeks, building on Day One until completion at Day 161. The teacher guides the beginner in 11-minute sessions using simple techniques to start and over time takes the 'sporadic or would-be meditator' to a confident 20-30 minute daily practitioner.
Meditation Village is successful because it is a combination of a program based on proven techniques and teacher-student, student-student interaction. Talk to the teachers, have your meditation questions answered, connect with other students and know that the teachers are meditating with you (in the ethers so to speak) everyday at 7:30 am PST. "Meditation doesn't have to be hard the essential thing here is to learn and then practice everyday, but we know left to our own devices, we won't; it is just too difficult to create this kind of life changing habit without some consistent qualified help and support." Says co-founder and meditation teacher, YeShey Palmo.
In the digital age of large bandwidths, inexpensive storage space, and people embracing their online communities, the online space is actually ideal for learning how to meditate. The unique delivery of a traditional practice, affordable program ($90 for the complete program) coupled by the integration of an offline presence and online professional and peer support makes Meditation Village a timely and efficient approach to our ongoing quest for inner peace.
To start your daily practice, go to for your free week trial.
Tags: learn how to meditate, meditation, meditation mp3's, online meditation program