MedPharm Group Summarises 2011 And Presents Plans For Coming Months

MedPharm Group has been operating on the European market since 2007.

Its flagship product is job fairs for the medical , nursing and pharmaceutical sectors, known as MedPharm Careers, initially organized in Poland and now covering 21 European countries. Year on year the operational area has broadened exponentially and now within the structure of MedPharm Group there are:

- - internet medical job board
- MedPharm Magazine - a magazine for job seeking healthcare professionals
- MedPharm Consulting - consultancy services

The year 2011 was an extremely busy and fruitful one for the MedPharm Group team, two editions of MedPharm Careers were organized, we visited 12 European countries and organized over 40 events, which were an invaluable tool for medical recruitment companies in their search for specialist medical personnel. In the past year there has also been significant work on the development and improvement of the internet job portal MedPharm Jobs, the effects of which will be visible in coming months. Another important product which enriched the MedPharm Group portfolio is a magazine which is targeted at healthcare professionals throughout Europe. MedPharm Magazine is an indispensible element of any marketing campaign and guarantees access to specialists from the medical and pharmaceutical sectors in various countries. Average circulation is 41,000 copies, additionally the magazine is distributed in pdf form to a database, which amounts to more than 100,000 records. In the past year the company also called to existance MedPharm Consulting, whose team is responsible for offering support in building marketing strategies as well as organizing dedicated recruitment events.

2012 promises to be even busier for the MedPharm Group team. Above all, the activities of MedPharm Careers will expand to encompass nearly all of Europe and this year job fairs will be held in as many as 21 countries! The next edition of the fairs will commence at the beginning of March. Furthermore, all product websites belonging to MedPharm Group are undergoing renovation and the effects of that intensive work will be released soon.

The first edition of MedPharm Magazine sparked significant interest among companies from the recruitment sector as well as the pharmaceutical and clinical research sectors. Hence, a varied advertising offer has been prepared to address the needs of all clients. Currently the editorial team under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Victoria Bieniek and under the keen eye of CEO Dr Grzegorz Chodkowski is working on the new layout of the magazine for the upcoming February edition.

The broad competencies of the firm is surely invaluable in terms of support in finding professional medical and pharmaceutical personnel throughout Europe and also in building your corporate image and brand in the medical, pharmaceutical and clinical research sectors. Detailed information about the company and its products can be found at

Media contacts:
Grzegorz Chodkowski CEO & Founder M: +48 515 121 469 E: [email protected]
Åukasz Korulczyk E-Marketing Manager T: +48 22 253 17 59 E: [email protected]


Tags: careers, consulting, doctor, doctors, Germany, group, jobs, magazine, medical, medicine, medpharm, medpharmgroup, nurses nurse, uk

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Łukasz Korulczyk
Press Contact, MedPharmGroup
Aleja Wojska Polskiego 41/16,