Meet Me At The Diner - New Trend in Job Hunting, an online career marketing company will host the first installment of "A Cup of Coffee and An Interview" an innovative and fun way for recruiters to meet with job hunters on January 14, 2010.

New York, NY, United States, January 12, 2010, an online career marketing company will host the first installment of "A Cup of Coffee and An Interview" an innovative and fun way for recruiters to meet with job hunters on January 14, 2010.

Tawana Wood, President and Chief Resume Writer at, describes the event as a new and free way for job seekers to meet with recruiters, network and share ideas. "Typically, job seekers meet with HR professionals during an interview so they have a limited opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with recruiters. "A Cup of Coffee and An Interview" series was created as a forum for job seekers and recruiters to really connect and share experiences, ideas, and network. A resume can help open doors but creating a good relationship is what's going to help tip the scale in your favor."

Allen Lewis, a telecommunications technician has been out of work since April 2009 and says "I am looking for to this event. I attended several job fairs with no luck. I am looking forward to a new way to market myself and am hopeful this will works."

Ms. Wood volunteers her time once a month coordinating events free of charge around New York. She shares her expertise by offering free resume evaluations, providing career management advice and support to jobseekers. "Some of the people who attend our meetings are in search of finding support. They are looking to meet with people who have similar experiences. For most of us this is the worst job market we have ever seen. So, this is a new, and in many cases, scary experience." said Wood

The first installment of the three-part series will take place at 6:00pm at Moonstruck Diner located on 23rd Street and 9th Avenue in New York City. Ebony Williams, a recruiter with United Staffing Systems will join to group to offer tips as well as interview candidates.

"I am very excited about this meet-up. I created the group a year ago and the experience has been wonderful. Everyone shares tips, exchanges business cards and offers support," said Wood. "Recruiters are strongly encouraged to attend our events. And they are free, so it is a win-win. We continuously work hard to secure more small venues for recruiters to meet with talented jobseekers. My goal is to help at least 100 New Yorkers find new and exciting opportunities this year," says Wood. is a website of a New York based multi-service resume writing service. Writers at have created more than 10,000 resumes for professionals living in the US and abroad with backgrounds in administration, education, healthcare, criminal justice, nonprofit management, and business management. The company has provided outplacement services for Fortune 500 companies throughout the country.

To learn more about "A Cup of Coffee and An Interview" go to ( and search for Displaced and Career Changers Group in NY. To learn more about Tawana Wood go to the website


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