Meet-Meme Releases Limited Edition Comic Book Theme

In celebration of comic book collectors everywhere, Meet-Meme Social Trading Cards has unveiled a new comic book themed card design. The theme will offer two special features: unique issue numbers and multiple versions.

In celebration of comic book collectors everywhere, Meet-Meme Social Trading Cards has unveiled a new comic book themed card design. The theme will offer two special features: unique issue numbers and multiple versions. Comic enthusiasts can order their limited edition cards by going to and joining Meet-Meme.

Adding a special power to the cards has always been an aspect, but comic book fans will certainly enjoy showing off their powers. The theme will be the first to include issue numbers - incremented with each order. Users will also receive 3 different comic book designs in each pack. By connecting their social networks along with the rest of their digital footprint, they'll be sure to connect online with everyone they meet. Scanning the QR Code located on the back of the cards allows mobile users to view a digital dashboard that aggregates their entire online presence.

Featured themes began in January, 2011 and change at random. The themes are limited edition - once a new card theme is announced the previous designs are no longer available.

Meet-Meme social trading cards bridge a user's online and offline relationships. Each trading card tells a story about the individual and their evolving social media profile: stats, bio, networks, contact info, hobbies or even a favorite quote. Plus, a personalized URL and scannable QR Code are used to link others to the cardholder's entire digital footprint (social profiles, blogs, websites). It's simple: meet, scan and connect.


Tags: comic book, comic con, meet-meme, social media, trading card

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Leah Tenney
Press Contact, Meet-Meme
544 S 1st Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204