Melanie Dempsey's New Book "To Catch the Sun" is a Captivating Story of a Young Woman Who Longs to Be Free From the Reigns of a Villain and a Depraved City.
Cochran, GA, November 10, 2017 ( - “To Catch the Sun: An Endearing Love Story” is a captivating story of a young woman who longs to be free from the reigns of a villain and a depraved city. “To Catch the Sun: An Endearing Love Story” is the creation of published author, Melanie Dempsey, a wife, mother, and grandmother who loves to help others pursue a deeper relationship with God.
After the failed attempt at overthrowing Solon, King of Mzia, the escaped and cursed villain, Thantos, holds the king’s provincial city of Aidenn under firm control. Under a clever disguise, Thantos has secretly reaped years of revenge upon the city through fear and deception. It is in the confines of this depraved city that Leila, a young abused woman, struggles with existence. Longing to be as free as the morning sun, Leila utters a desperate cry to the stars for help. Leila is unprepared for the grievous but enthralling events that such a cry would bring about. Leila learns through much joy and heartache just how much a devoted heart of love can accomplish.
Readers can purchase “To Catch the Sun: An Endearing Love Story” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information on this recent publication, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.
Source: Covenant Books
Tags: Covenant Books, Melanie Dempsey, new books, To Catch the Sun