Melon Meter Mobile App Is Ripe For The Picking

New Breakthrough Technology Will Eliminate The Guesswork In The Produce Section

A new mobile application for smart phone users promises to save produce consumers time, money, and frustration when choosing the correct watermelon.

Market Research shows that up to 60% of watermelons purchased today are either over-ripe or under-ripe. Melons don't ripen off the vine, they begin to decay the moment they are picked so the only way to truly know if you've selected a properly ripened watermelon is to purchase it for $5-$10 and slice it when you get home, often times only to discover an unripened melon that you can no longer return... until now!

After 2 years of research and development, Let There Be Light Innovations (LTBLI) has developed a tool that will help you find the most ready to eat melon in the store. This tool, or software algorithm, allows the iPhone or iPad to analyze the decay rate (the time it takes for a sound to end) from the signal produced by thumping a melon. LTBLI has determined that "ready" melons have a unique "decay signature." Melon Meter analyzes the sound, and tells you if you have found a melon with the "decay signature" that corresponds to a "ready" melon.

The app has gone through extensive iPhone testing and is part of a growing collection of mobile apps developed by LTBLI and is now available in the iTunes App Store. There is also a commercial version that is projected to be released in late-September!

About Let There Be Light Innovations
Let There Be Light Innovations is a cutting-edge solutions company that was born out of a passion for inventing and innovation. We have a passion for creating new realities that will bring convenience and efficiency to people's everyday lives!
We have a passion for living, and showing people the unseen realities that affect their everyday lives! We believe that what we create should be an extention of who we are: integrated into every part of our lives. For more information visit


Tags: app, Apple, iPhone, Let There Be Light Innovations, Melon Meter, Mobile, phone, produce, watermelon

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