Members Development Company Announces Launch of Result150 : Bringing Targeted Online Marketing Solutions To Credit Unions Nationwide

Members Development Company announces the launch of result150, an online marketing and media company for credit unions. Result150's Media Network and Smart Targeting technology let credit unions reach consumer anywhere online or on-the-go.

Members Development Company (MDC) announces the launch of a new CUSO, result150, an online media company that delivers geo-social targeted marketing solutions for credit unions.

Credit Unions can now affordably participate in a national online, social and on-the-go conversation with consumers at various financial buying stages through the result150 Media Network. With result150's proprietary technology, partner credit unions can also target and reach consumers with content at the right time and place whether online, in a consumer's social network or on-the-go.

"When researching online presence, we found more often than not, credit unions were largely absent from consumer conversations around key financial topics. Result150's owned and operated media properties fixes the absence in a way that is affordable to credit unions without each credit union having to compete nationally against each other or large banks." says Jeff Kline, CEO MDC and Chairman result150.

As a partner, credit unions work with result150 within their annual or quarterly marketing objectives and implement content and expertise across the result150 Media Network while result150 technology targets consumers across the network based on those objectives, content and credit union membership requirements. Over time the targeting converts network traffic at buying stages into new member opportunities and/or member cross-sell opportunities for partner credit unions.

The result150 Media Network provides insight and tools at various stages of a consumer's personal finance journey. Result150 technology then matches users based on geo-social targeting and behavior with content to a partner credit union for call-to-actions throughout their online, social and on-the-go experiences.

Content ranges from personal finance information to comparing the benefits of credit unions and banks while proprietary technology captures online, social and mobile traffic and analyzes behavior and converts to in-branch opportunities.

Result150 is led by online marketing and technology veteran Lisa Nistler, President and CEO. Over the past 20 years Lisa has spent time at Digital River, a leader in ecommerce technology, where she led account development teams to double digit revenue growth and secured partnerships with Major League Baseball, National Geographic, and H&R Block among others. Most recently Lisa was Senior Vice President of Business Development at NativeX (formerly W3i), a leader in online and mobile advertising where she led partnerships with Google, Yahoo!, Intel and Others.

"Everyday nearly 20% of Internet searches have never been searched before, there is a huge opportunity for Credit Unions to collectively build a voice and establish a strong online presence. For Credit Unions to capture the attention of a generation that is online and on-the-go, doing this well will be critical, Lisa says. I'm thrilled to be a part of this organization working to help Credit Unions get their voice heard."

The result150 Online Media Network is available via a monthly subscription and fee per conversion program. For more information on result150 credit union marketing solutions or to sign up visit

Result 150 Contact: Ryan Ruud
Vice President, Marketing
Phone: (612) 799.0803
[email protected]

MDC Contact: Jeff Kline
Phone: (800) 356.2644, ext 3838
[email protected]


Tags: credit union, media, Member Acquisition, online marketing, Result150

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Eden Prairie, MN 55344
United States