Menus Listing Time to 'Walk Off' Calories Lead to Healthier Choices, Study Finds

Understanding what is needed to counteract the caloric intake helps put choices into perspective.

In a recent study of 300 restaurant patrons ages 18 to 30, researchers found that menus listing the minutes of brisk walking needed to burn all the calories of an item triggered healthier food choices than menus with calorie labels or menus with no dietary information at all. All three menus contained identical food and beverage options. The researchers used walking time as the reference because walking is an activity most people can relate to.

The study was performed by researchers at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth and the results presented at the Boston meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

"Most people have no accurate reference for, or understanding of, how much exercise or activity is needed to counteract the caloric intake of various food choices," say boomer generation health experts Dian Griesel, Ph.D., and Tom Griesel, authors of the books TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust (April 2011, BSH) and The TurboCharged Mind (January 2012, BSH). "According to this study, a woman would have to walk briskly for about two hours to burn off the calories in a quarter-pound double cheeseburger."

"Even at restaurants, you can order very satisfying and nutritious meals without consuming a whole day's worth of calories," adds Tom. "Your food and beverage choices are a much more practical and efficient way to manage your weight, body composition and health than eating whatever you're in the mood for and then trying (and usually failing) to burn off the extra calories with exercise."


About TurboCharged:

TurboCharged® is a groundbreaking 8-Step program that defies common weight-loss theories. It successfully delivers body-defining rapid fat loss, accelerates metabolism, and improves health and odds of longevity without gimmicks, supplements or special equipment. The TurboCharged Mind is an excellent companion book to the author's acclaimed rapid fat loss book, TurboCharged, or perfect as a standalone read. A series of supporting TurboCharged™ hypnosis downloads are available for sale via the book's website, which offers ideal guided meditations to support and direct self-hypnosis sessions for faster fat loss, greater health, reduced stress, and to quit smoking. For more information, log on to


Tags: calories, Dian Griesel, diet, dining, Experimental Biology, restaurant, texas christian university, Tom Griesel, TurboCharged, Walking

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