Merit Management Group Inc. Top Leaders Enjoy Travel Perks

Select team members from Merit Management Group Inc. will be headed to Dallas, Texas at the end of April. They will join top leaders from other regions to learn and network together.

“The Top Leaders Conference is one of the opportunities we offer our people who have demonstrated excellence and determination to reach goals,” said Glen, Merit Management Group Inc.’s President. “It’s part of the travel perks we have available.”

Glen noted that he was in the process of selecting who will represent Merit Management Group Inc. at this upcoming conference. “This year we are taking Kelly for certain,” he said. “I will choose one other person to join us in Dallas. I know these individuals will take advantage of this opportunity.”

"The Top Leaders Conference is one of the opportunities we offer our people who have demonstrated excellence and determination to reach goals,"

Glen, President

As Glen explained, the primary focuses of the conference are learning and networking. “The Top Leaders Conference introduces some of the latest information on the services we promote, as well as how to train, lead, and manage teams,” he said. “There are keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and other opportunities to gain knowledge that aren’t found anywhere else.”

“The other component is networking and this is a huge plus for our people,” Glen stated. “They get to meet and connect with some of the most influential business leaders, as well as people from other regions who are on a fast-path to career success.”

Merit Management Group Inc.’s President Presents Tips for Networking at Conferences

As the selected Merit Management Group Inc. team members prepare to attend the Top Leaders Conference, Glen offered some advice on how to make the most of the networking opportunities. “First, take some time beforehand to learn who might be attending from other regions,” he said. “Sometimes we’re already in contact with these people, so this is a chance to meet them face to face. Even if you don’t know anyone, you can gather a group of interesting people and suggest grabbing a meal together.”

“Some conferences invite people to present on their success stories,” he added. “Anyone attending a conference that offers that level of interaction should definitely look into this. It’s a great way to get your name out there faster as an authority.”

Finally, there’s dressing for the event. “The right mix is comfortable yet professional,” Glen added. “However, sometimes it’s good to be strategic. For example, if you went to a particular college or pledge a fraternity or sorority, toss on a tie or wear a polo. Others who recognize this will gravitate toward you. Think of it as a pre-established common thread.” 

“The opportunities to take advantage of networking and learning at conferences are endless,” Glen concluded. “This is why our people enjoy these travel perks. They’re fun and they get so much from the experience.”

About Merit Management Group:

Merit Management Group is a leading provider of customer acquisition services for Inspire Energy. Their partnership brings renewable energy solutions and smart technology options to homes and businesses across Illinois. The team shares a passion to do good, spreading messages about the benefits of affordable clean energy. They use key research analysis and in-depth training to connect with consumers on a personal level and generate powerful results. Their value-driven approach boosts Inspire Energy’s work to create a more sustainable world. Learn more about Merit Management Group’s zeal for greening the planet through clean energy. Visit

Source: Merit Management Group


Tags: Careers, Conferences, Merit Management Group Inc

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