Merit Management Group Ready to Expand Vibrant Team

Merit Management Group Inc.'s President discussed a new hiring initiative and the firm's supportive work culture. He also discussed ongoing training options and highlighted a few key elements of effective coaching.

​In order to maximize recent growth and future expansion plans, Merit Management Group Inc. leaders seek business-minded people to join their team. Glen, the firm’s President, stated that ambitious people with enthusiasm for green energy and optimistic approaches to getting results will feel right at home in the company’s empowering workspace. The firm’s team-driven culture encourages collaboration through mutual support. Glen added that careers get an energy boost in the Merit Management Group Inc. office.

Hands-on training greets every addition to Team Merit Management Group Inc. Glen explained that incoming associates are included in key meetings and various aspects of campaign creation. These learning experiences are led by seasoned team members who know exactly what it takes to rise through the ranks of our organization. By soaking up wisdom from those who have already achieved success, the firm’s newest additions quickly gain confidence in their abilities.

Ongoing development is a cornerstone of the Merit Management Group Inc. work culture as well. The President stated that in-office training sessions cover a wide range of emerging business topics and trends. Team members also have chances to attend industry conferences and exotic retreats at which they can refine their skills and add valuable contacts.

Merit Management Group Inc.’s President on the Fundamentals of Effective Coaching

When it comes to onboarding new hires and training existing team members, one-to-one coaching is the most effective strategy. Glen believes that a few key behaviors are common among the most inspiring coaches. He noted that suiting each lesson to the trainee’s unique learning style is a major point of emphasis around the Merit Management Group Inc. office.

One of the best ways to ensure a productive learning experience is for coaches to ask questions rather than simply tell the other person what to do. Our in-house coaches pose challenging queries during training sessions in order to encourage trainees to devise their own solutions. This is an ideal way to inspire buy-in from learners and help them build confidence at the same time.

Glen also endorses the idea of in-the-moment coaching experiences. He explained that reinforcing what has been learned in training sessions through pivotal on-the-job moments is an ideal way to solidify key concepts.

About Merit Management Group Inc:

Merit Management Group is a leading provider of customer acquisition services for Inspire Energy. Their partnership brings renewable energy solutions and smart technology options to homes and businesses across Illinois. The team shares a passion to do good, spreading messages about the benefits of affordable clean energy. They use key research analysis and in-depth training to connect with consumers on a personal level and generate powerful results. Their value-driven approach boosts Inspire Energy’s work to create a more sustainable world. Learn more about Merit Management Group’s zeal for greening the planet through clean energy. Visit

Source: Merit Management Group


Tags: Careers, Merit Management Group Inc, Merit Management Group Inc Careers, Merit Management Group Inc Conferences

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