Merit Scholarship Expert Nancy Paul Presents the Scholarship Hunt & Pizza Party via Zoom on Feb. 21

Nancy Paul

Nancy Paul, merit scholarship expert and founder of Three Wishes College Strategies, will help families save time finding merit scholarships at The Scholarship Hunt & Pizza Party virtual event on Sunday, Feb. 21 beginning at 5:00 PM Pacific.

Her three daughters won $600,000 in merit scholarships - money for college based on achievement.

"'Overwhelmed' is the word parents use to describe the daunting task of finding merit scholarships. I designed this event to 'make it fun and get it done' so that more students can take advantage of all the benefits of winning money for college based on their achievements, interests, challenges, and more," she explains.

Students and parents nationwide will connect via Zoom as Paul shares her shortcuts and strategies to finding more merit scholarships for students starting in 7th grade. Participants are encouraged to order a pizza and gather as a family to tackle the skyrocketing cost of college.

"I spent 100 hours looking for merit scholarships for my eldest daughter and know first-hand how lonely, frustrating, and boring it can be. The pandemic makes it even more important to share experiences and feel part of a community," she continues. "It's so tempting to postpone finding ways to avoid college debt, or to use scholarship databases because it's easier but not nearly as effective."

Families and friends are encouraged to attend as a group and share the experience so more students can avoid unnecessary college debt and missed opportunities.

Paul cautions parents against waiting until their students are high school seniors to figure out how they'll pay for college. In addition to $1.6 trillion in student debt, parents/grandparents have borrowed $90Billion to pay for their students to go to college. People over 50 will still be paying off college loans after they stop working.

Merit scholarships are available starting in kindergarten. No family earns too much for their student to secure merit aid.

Paul is the bestselling author of The Little Book about Scholarships, speaker, advisor to financial advisors, seminar leader, and coach.

She is passionate about the importance of financial literacy pertaining to paying for college.

Every student who attends the event is guaranteed to find merit scholarships.

For tickets and information, email [email protected].

Media Contact:
Nancy Paul
Cell: (805) 402-4182
[email protected]

Source: Three Wishes College Strategies


Tags: college, college debt, scholarships, student debt

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