Metaphysicists' Psychical Personality Traits Lined Up to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

For the past 13 ½ years, Metaphysicist Dr. Theresa M. Kelly has been researching the personality traits of experients of psychical phenomena in attempts to line up her psychical personality types to the Myers-Briggs personality types.

For the past 13 ½ years, Metaphysicist Dr. Theresa M. Kelly has been researching the personality traits of experients of psychical phenomena. These personality traits, categorized into 8 type categories (YELLOW, GRAY, GREEN, BLACK, WHITE, and PURPLE) were invariably exhibited by experients of specific psychical phenomena (e.g. Clairvoyance, Telepathy and various forms of Psychokinesis). These personality type categories were also researched to reveal psychological and physiological conditions prominently reported as:

* Once exhibited by the experient
* Exhibited by an immediate family member of the experient
* Currently exhibited by the experient of specific psychical phenomena.

Based on a small collection of studies, until now, Dr. Kelly was not able to line up her psychical personality types to the Myers-Briggs personality types. Today the correlations were finalized.

With a collection of over 4,200 experients and non-experients of psychical phenomena, with a reported accuracy of 90%, encompassing believers and non-believers of psi phenomena, of all ages, races, and cultural backgrounds all over the world, Dr. Kelly has acquired enough information to finally line up her Psychical Profiling Assessment to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

While her research may not have been conducted empirically enough to substantiate the connection to the parapsychological or psychological community, she states:

"This is a major breakthrough for my research. This means people can be tested with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and soon after know what psychological, physiological and psychical correlations they may be prone to. While the information collected throughout this research project is enough proof for me, only time and replication will be proof enough for others, and I am OK with that."

Briefly shared, the psychical categories line up as:


Dr. Kelly reports that she now has enough data and direction to start outlining a new book solely based on her psychical profiling. She states:

"This book has been a long time coming. This book, unlike the series textbooks I am currently creating for the University of Alternative Studies, which are geared towards modeling specific psychical phenomena from a technical standpoint, will be geared towards the general public's interest to know which form of psychical phenomena is most opportune for them to exercise, enhance and practice at this point in their lives."

While this information will be partially explained in the series textbooks, and later fully explained in the psychical profiling book (to be written after the series textbooks have been completed), it will also soon me mentioned on her website ( under the Psychical Profiling section of the site. A free online version of her Psychical Profiling Assessment can also be found on the website in the same section.

What was the most shocking discovery you made once you lined up the two sets of traits?

Dr. Kelly: "I would have to say the most shocking was just that they lined up so well, but if I had to choose, it would be that the "opposites" in my 8 were also "opposites" in the Myers-Briggs 8, for example RED/BLUE = EST/IST. This was very exciting to me."


Tags: metaphysics, Myers-Briggs, parapsychology, personality types, psychic, psychical, Psychology

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