Method Of Stopping Production Of Cancerous Cells Including Cancerous Stem Cells

Method of stopping production of cancerous cells including cancerous stem cells, destroying the existing ones and preventing the appearance of new generations of cancerous cells, by using potential telomerase inhibitors in an 'in vitro' setting.

Patent pending, Inventor Alfred T. Sapse
During a routine testing, 40 years ago, of a procaine formulation, results were obtained, that showed that this formulation was able to stop the production of cancerous cells, destroyed the existing ones and prevented the production of new generations of cancerous cells. While the results were impressive, we couldn't find the "unknown mechanism" responsible for these results, and abandoned the project.
Forty years later, three US scientists received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of telomerase, an enzyme that controls among others senescence and cancer. Subsequently cancer was defined as a result of a telomerase gone beserk, by which the telomerase loses control of the normal production of generations of cells and the result being a chaotic production of immortal cells and forming a continuous line...the cancerous cells.
Since then attempts had been made to define the profile of drugs capable of bringing the telomerase back to normal, the "telomerase inhibitors".
Then we remembered the 40 year old results and found out that the 2009 telomerase inhibitors profile fits with the procaine's "unknown mechanism", that stopped production of cancerous cells and then destroyed them and we believe that the procaine formulation fits with the telomerase inhibitors profile. In order to verify this hypotheses, we developed a method by which, we would repeat the 40 year old experiments but instead of using fibroblast of animal origin (mouse embryonic fibroblasts-MEF) we would use fibroblasts obtained from patients suffering of various types of cancers; i.e. cancerous brain tumors, breast cancer, gastrointestinal, prostrate, and from individuals who developed cancers, after stem cell implants.
Incidentally the inventors of the telomerase, are also using for their experiments, human fibroblasts.
The duration of the study would be 10-12 weeks.
Additional Information
The 40 years old tests were carried out by Earl Officer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pathology USC on a grant from Dr. Alfred T. Sapse, than the President of Rom-Amer Pharmaceuticals Ltd. However from the four experiments we will only use the experiment #3 and #4 for our studies:
In Experiment #1 Dr. Officer had grown a normal culture of MEF (mouse) and shown that by adding the procaine formulation to the culture, the MEF normal life span, grew from seven to nine generations. This experiment was used as a control for the next three experiments.
Experiment #2 when a culture of MEF was treated with a cancer inducing RNA C virus, the MEF started developing normally until the fifth generation, when suddenly the cells started multiplying chaotically, out of control and soon forming a continuous line, showing that the MEF cells as expected, became cancerous cells.
Experiment #3 when the cancerous cells above were treated with a solution of procaine, the cells multiplication stopped after 2-4 hours, then they became vacuolated and after 24-48 hours they were lysed (disintegrated). Today we are using another term for this cell destruction phenomenon, namely apoptosis or programmed cell death.
Experiment #4 Normal MEF cells were treated first with a procaine solution and next with a cancer inducing RNA type C virus and nothing happened, the MEF cell developed normally and died at the ninth generation, suggesting that procaine had prevented the MEF cells to become cancerous.
Dr. Officer submitted the results of his experiments, as an Abstract titled: The Effect of a Procaine Formulation on the Growth Rate of Aged Mouse Embryo Fibroblasts and on the Pathogenesis Induced by a RNA Type-C Virus. J.E. Officer, Dept. of Pathology, USC Medical Sch., Los Angeles,
to the 26th annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society, Miami Beach, November 5-9, 1973, that was subsequently published in the "Theoretical Aspects of Aging, Edited by Morris Rockstien, and published in the Academic Press, Inc. New York, San Francisco, London, 1974.

Dr. Alfred T. Sapse
1701 E. Katie Ave., #20
Las Vegas, NV
Tel: (702) 241-4050 • Cell: (702) 353-2466 • Fax (702) 451-0097
E-mail: [email protected]


Tags: Cancerous cell, cancerous stem cells, cancers, Procaine, Telomerase Inhibitors

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Press Contact, Endogenous Stem Cell Activators, Inc
Endogenous Stem Cell Activators, Inc
1701 E. Katie Ave., #20
Las Vegas, NV 89119
United States