Michael Crane Quotes, "Anything Is Possible" As He Cycles UK End2End For Children's Charity
Online, June 24, 2011 (Newswire.com) - Michael Crane from Lewisham has just completed the ultimate British cycling challenge, pedalling from Lands End to John O' Groats in just nine days to raise vital funds for children's charity Action Medical Research.
The 42 year-old Entrepreneur, joined a group of 140 cyclists for the charity's 1,000-mile UK End2End challenge, from 21-31 May. The riders, including TV news reader Dermot Murnaghan, spent between eight and nine hours in the saddle and travelled around 115 miles every day for nine days solid.
Michael said: "Taking part in the End2End ride was... more than just a bike challenge as the weather was against us every step of the way as was sleeping in a 2 man tent. 3years ago myself and partner lost twins at 24 weeks and although very traumatising at the time sitting on a bike for 9 days and pedalling like mad gave me good time to reflect how what I was doing could save others going through the same pain as I went through.
Michael has raised just under £3,000 for the charity. In total the ride has so far raised more than £340,000.
Event organiser Matt Buck from Action Medical Research said: "Our brave cyclists showed amazing grit and determination to complete our first UK End2End ride. The great British weather added to the challenge by throwing in some really tough conditions at times. They should all feel very proud of their achievement and the fantastic amount of money raised to help sick babies and children. The event certainly lived up to its reputation as the toughest cycling challenge the UK has to offer."
Money raised through the ride will help fund medical research into conditions affecting babies and children. Research currently being supported by Action Medical Research includes work around premature birth, cerebral palsy, meningitis and epilepsy, as well as some very rare and distressing conditions that severely affect children.
Anyone interested in taking part in the next UK End2End ride from 26 May 2012 to 5 June 2012 can sign up now. For more information visit the website, www.action.org.uk/end2end2012 or call 01403 327442.
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For general information about UK End2End please contact Matt Buck, Challenge Events Fundraiser, Action Medical Research:
T 01403 327442
E [email protected]
For further press information on Action Medical Research cycling events and accompanying photography, please contact:
Clare Airey, Senior Press & PR Officer
T 01403 327480
E [email protected]
W action.org.uk
Action Medical Research has 30 years experience in organising successful bike rides. Routes are monitored and clearly signposted. Snack and lunch stops are provided and medical and mechanical staff are on hand at all times.
Action Medical Research is the leading UK-wide medical research charity dedicated to helping babies and children. We know that medical research can save and change children's lives. For nearly 60 years we have been instrumental in significant medical breakthroughs, including the development of the UK polio vaccine and ultrasound scanning in pregnancy.
Today, we continue to find and fund the very best medical research to help stop the suffering of babies and children caused by disease and disability. We want to make a difference in:
• tackling premature birth and treating sick and vulnerable babies
• helping children affected by disability, disabling conditions and infections
• targeting rare diseases that together severely affect many forgotten children.
Tags: bike, Charity, cycle, fund-raising, research