Michael J. Potter, President Of Eden Foods, Joins June Stoyer, Host Of "The Organic View Radio Show" November 15, 2010, 12 PM EST
Online, November 16, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Michael J. Potter is the President and Chairman of Eden Foods, Inc., (Edenfoods.com) which is the largest privately owned company in North America that produces high quality certified organic foods. Eden is the oldest natural and organic food company in North America and the largest independent manufacturer of dry grocery organic foods. Eden Foods was selected as the best food company in the world and the third best company overall by The Better World Shopping Guide. Mr. Potter is currently involved in the founding of the Non-GMO Project serving as a director, refining procedures for Non-GMO compliance and certification. Eden banned genetically engineered and irradiated food by 1993. Eden Foods, also known as Eden Organics has set the standard for manufacturers of high quality certified organic foods. Mr. Potter is also an active board member of the Non-GMO Project.
Mr. Potter, will be the featured guest on The Organic View Radio Show (TheOrganicView.com) with host, June Stoyer on Monday, November 15, 2010, at 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The exclusive interview will explore the life giving benefits of using whole grains that are organic and verified non-gmo in order to produce pasta. Callers are welcome to join the conversation during the show by calling (917) 932-1068. The live, Internet talk-radio show will stream from the host page at blogtalkradio.com/theorganicview.
"Fad diets often encourage people to cut back or omit pasta when they should be really instructing people to stop eating non-organic processed foods," said June Stoyer, host of the program. "Most commercial pasta is made from heavily processed white wheat and not from nutritious whole grains."
An archive will be available at the same link immediately following the show or listeners can subscribe to the archives via the RSS feed located on the host page. Listeners can also go to blogtalkradio.com/theorganicview.rss or download the podcast on iTunes. Read more about the host and the discussion on The Organic View's website at TheOrganicView.com. ###
Tags: Eden Foods, June Stoyer, Michael Potter, organic Kamut pasta, organic pasta, TheOrganicView.com