Michigan Internet Marketing Company FactJuice.Com Decides To Give 50% Off All Orders From Any Michigan Small Business Due To Michigan's Economy
Online, September 26, 2012 (Newswire.com) - Internet Marketing company, FactJuice.Com was founded by a former Michigan resident in 2006 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Since that time the Pennsylvanian based business has seen the economy in Pittsburgh grow, while the Michigan economy, fueled by a combination of the housing market decline and auto-industry bailout, has dropped considerably. Because of this, FactJuice.Com's founder, William Wright, has decided that his company will now begin giving 50% discounts to any of their clients or customers who either are located in Michigan, or employ persons currently living in Michigan. This tactic is not new, many tech companies in the past have given 'Geo-targeted' discounts based on where their clients live, but usually not to this extent of a percentage. The Pittsburgh-based Internet Marketing company has just finalized a Lansing, Michigan location - minutes from where the founder grew up - and they wanted to make sure they coupled the new locations release with a special discount to help drive sales.
The found of FactJuice.Com and former Michigander, William Wright, had this to say,
"When I started the company I was directing all of my efforts to help boost the region I currently live in, Pittsburgh, but I was essentially forgetting about where I came from. Therefor this is my kind of 'prodigal son' experience, albeit a very technologically advanced one. I want to make sure that any small business or start-up in Michigan gets a great Internet marketing managing company, but at the same time I don't want to fleece the people from my home state for their money, especially considering the current state of affairs. Therefor anyone from the state currently operating a business there, or employing persons in Michigan to run that business, we are giving them half-off the entirety of any order."
Michigan has faced a steep economic decline over the last 10 years, including some periods of non-growth where the unemployment rate in the state's major cities hit a peak of around 18%.
William Wright of FactJuice.Com can be reached for comment at 412-445-8689 and all inquiries regarding this announcement can be mailed to [email protected]
Tags: internet marketing, internet marketing company, michigan business, SEO, small business marketing