Micro Electronic Cigarette a Best Seller

E-Cigarette Store (ecigarettestore.co.uk) reports that their best selling product is the micro electronic cigarette. This tiny device can be used as an alternative to traditional cigarettes by smokers who are trying to quit or who want to provide a

E-Cigarette Store (ecigarettestore.co.uk) reports that their best selling
product is the micro electronic cigarette. This tiny device can be used as an
alternative to traditional cigarettes by smokers who are trying to quit or who
want to provide a safer environment for themselves and those around them.

The micro
electronic cigarette is a smaller version of the standard electronic
cigarette. This electronic smoking device does not feature any type of flame,
making it much safer than traditional cigarettes. The device contains a small
cartridge that contains nicotine dilution. However, this dilution does not
actually contain any tobacco or tar, making the micro electronic cigarette a
much healthier alternative for smokers. It still looks, feels, and tastes like a
real cigarette would, but without many of the dangers.

"There are more than 4000 dangerous chemicals in a normal cigarette," said a
E-Cigarette Store representative. "By introducing a pollution-free cigarette
that is less harmful to the smoker and does not create dangerous second-hand
smoke, we are freeing smokers from the stereotype of being 'dangerous' to
others." In addition to removing the issue of second-hand smoke and potential
fire hazards, the micro electronic cigarette is also reusable, so there is no
need to worry about an ash tray or getting rid of the end. In fact, the
microelectronic cigarette does not create any ash.

The micro electronic cigarette is made up of the nicotine cartridge, the
atomization chamber, the lithium battery, and a smart chip controller. The front
end lights up to show it is active, making it resemble a lit cigarette. In the
atomization chamber, the nicotine dilution is heated, creating vapour that
resembles tobacco smoke. This also gives the user the nicotine hit he or she is
craving but without any of the side effects found in tobacco. When empty, the
cartridge can be removed and replaced. Most micro electronic cigarettes run off
of an internal battery that will last two to three days with normal use before
the device needs to be charged. Many include a second battery as well.

In addition to providing a safe alternative to smoking, the micro electronic
cigarette provides a better financial alternative as well. "One pack of nicotine
dilution cartridges is equal to 75 cigarettes. That's 15 cigarettes per
cartridge," reports E-Cigarette. The site estimates that the average smoker who
smokes ten cigarettes a day will be able to save £600 or more a year by using
the micro electronic cigarette. Those who smoke 40 cigarettes a day will be
saving £2500 to £3000 a year, a very substantial amount of money.

E-Cigarette Store is one of the UK's top electronic cigarette websites and
offers a number of different products. Those looking for more information about
the micro electronic cigarette or who want to purchase one can visit http://www.ecigarettestore.co.uk.


Tags: cigarettes, electric cigarette, electronic cigarette, quitting, smoking, tobacco

About David Benson

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