Microsoft Dynamics AX Property Management Seminar is a Success in Hong Kong

SAGlobal Hong Kong, specialists in property management solutions, in collaboration with Microsoft Hong Kong organized a seminar to showcase Microsoft Dynamics AX solutions for Property Management firms on the 4th of February at the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong.

Highlighting the benefits of having a single fully integrated all in one system automating manual processes and eliminating duplication of information from one system to the other, the seminar provided an opportunity for the participants to learn more about FlexProperty, the Microsoft Dynamics AX based solution for Real Estate.

FlexProperty is an ERP solution built to cater to the requirements and needs of today’s international property owners and property management companies. The average property management company typically runs several different software solutions to manage its business. Microsoft Dynamics AX for property management offers one fully integrated all in one system automating manual processes and eliminating duplication of information from one system to the other.

Having a fully-fledged system with standardized role centers like CRM, Resources, Sales and Marketing, Service Management etc. in AX, FlexProperty also equips property management firms with tailored functions for the real estate sector, which handles lease contracts on land and buildings, rental calculations, cost control, facility management and, automatically generates invoice proposal for final invoicing.

SAGlobal Hong Kong Country Manager, Paul Chan said “We’ve seen that these types of concentrated, short seminars are most useful for top executives of real estate companies as it gives them an optimum mix of overview and detail into how a single, integrated solution like Microsoft Dynamics AX with the FlexProprty module can add more value to their businesses. Given this positive feedback, we will be holding more such events every quarter.”

To attend one our forthcoming seminars please write to [email protected] or to Mandy Fong at [email protected].

To learn more about FlexProperty and how it can help you visit our webpage here ( )


Tags: ERP Software, Flexproperty, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics AX solutions, Property Management, Real Estate Software

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